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ColegauCymru Conference Cynhadledd ColegauCymru

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Presentation on theme: "ColegauCymru Conference Cynhadledd ColegauCymru"— Presentation transcript:

1 ColegauCymru Conference Cynhadledd ColegauCymru

2 Prospects for Improvement Perfformiad Presennol
Further Education College Current Performance Prospects for Improvement Key Question 1 Key Question 2 Key Question 3 Morgannwg (Oct 2010) Adequate Good St. David’s (Nov 2010) Excellent Pembrokeshire college (Feb 2011) Coleg Addysg Bellach Perfformiad Presennol Rhagolygon Gwella Cwestiwn Allweddol 1 Cwestiwn Allweddol 2 Cwestiwn Allweddol 3 Morgannwg (Hyd 2010) Digonol Da Dewi Sant (Tach 2010) Rhagorol Goleg Sir Benfro (Chwefror)

3 The main recommendations for all three colleges include common themes:
improve the rates at which learners complete and attain their qualifications; improve the overall quality of teaching; make sure that learners have opportunities to develop their essential skills within the context of their main course of study; and make sure that learners have more opportunities to develop and to maintain their bilingual skills, particularly those who have progressed from Welsh- medium schools. Mae’r prif argymhellion ar gyfer pob un o’r tri choleg yn cynnwys themâu cyffredin, sef: gwella’r cyfraddau y mae dysgwyr yn cwblhau ac yn ennill eu cymwysterau arnynt; gwella ansawdd cyffredinol yr addysgu; gwneud yn siwr bod dysgwyr yn cael cyfleoedd i ddatblygu eu medrau hanfodol yng nghyd-destun eu prif gwrs astudio; a gwneud yn siwr bod dysgwyr yn cael mwy o gyfleoedd i ddatblygu a chynnal eu medrau dwyieithog, yn enwedig y rhai sydd wedi symud ymlaen o ysgolion cyfrwng Cymraeg.

4 Prospects for Improvement Perfformiad Presennol
ACL Provider / Partnership Current Performance Prospects for Improvement Key Question 1 Key Question 2 Key Question 3 Rhondda Cynon Taf (Oct 2010) Good Adequate Darparwr / Partneriaeth Dysgu Oedolion yn y Gymuned Perfformiad Presennol Rhagolygon Gwella Cwestiwn Allweddol 1 Cwestiwn Allweddol 2 Cwestiwn Allweddol 3 Rhondda Cynon Taf (Hyd 2010) Da Digonol

5 Mae’r prif argymhellion yn cynnwys:
gwella’r cynllunio ar y cyd rhwng rheolwyr corfforaethol ac uwch reolwyr i sicrhau dyfodol dysgu oedolion yn y gymuned; cwblhau’r camau angenrheidiol i fynd i’r afael â’r argymhellion hynny nad aethpwyd i’r afael â nhw o’r arolygiad diwethaf; The main recommendations include: improve joint planning between corporate and senior managers to secure the future of adult community learning; complete actions necessary to address those recommendations not addressed from the last inspection;

6 develop systems to ensure that all staff understand how to identify adults who may be vulnerable and how to apply safeguarding policies consistently; make better use of data for setting targets for improvement; make further improvement in the strategies for developing literacy and numeracy; and promote and improve the use of Welsh as a medium of communication in class and across the provision. datblygu systemau i sicrhau bod pob un o’r staff yn deall sut i nodi oedolion a phwy allai fod yn agored i niwed a sut i gymhwyso polisïau diogelu yn gyson; gwneud defnydd gwell o ddata i osod targedau ar gyfer gwella; gwneud gwelliannau pellach i’r strategaethau ar gyfer datblygu llythrennedd a rhifedd; a hyrwyddo a gwella’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg fel cyfrwng cyfathrebu yn y dosbarth ac ar draws y ddarpariaeth.

7 Newidiadau cynlluniedig i arweiniad arolygu
Llythrennedd Arolygiadau dysgu yn y gwaith Hyfforddiant a diweddariadau i Arolygwyr Cymheiriaid Planned changes to inspection guidance Literacy Work-based learning inspections Peer Inspector training and updates

8 Sector leading practice Arfer sy’n arwain y sector
Links to: ACL GP video Pembs GP learner involvement St David’s IIPs Dolenni cyswllt i: Fideo ACL GP Ymglymiad dysgwyr GP Sir Benfro BmP Dewi Sant

9 Thank you very much Diolch yn fawr Any questions? Unrhyw gwestiynau?

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