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The Rise and Decline of the Power of the Church

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1 The Rise and Decline of the Power of the Church
The Middle Ages The Rise and Decline of the Power of the Church

2 How to reorganize society?
Feudalism? Political attempt Religion Why would this provide a way to organize a society after the fall of the Roman Empire?

3 Religion in the Middle Ages
Christianity spreads across Europe Most Europeans become Christian Easy to unify them They believe that heaven awaits them after death if they follow their religion and their religious leaders (the Pope, etc.) Popes become very powerful Who might have a problem with this?

4 Popes vs. Kings Pope Gregory VII and King Henry IV
Conflict over who can appoint a Bishop (a powerful position within Christianity) Both claim that they should have the power Why?

5 Pope Gregory vs. King Henry
Pope excommunicates King Henry from the Church Excommunicate: Kick out of the church (unable to go to Heaven after death) King Henry is shunned by his supporters and he is afraid Henry travels to Italy to ask forgiveness Pope makes him wait three days barefoot in the snow outside of his castle Eventually forgives him What does this prove?

6 The Crusades Palestine
Importance? Muslim Turks ban Christians from entering the “Holy Land” Pope calls on Europeans to travel to Palestine and fight a war to win back the “Holy Land”

7 The Crusades Attempt my Christians to “re-take” the Holy Land.
7 major Crusades (many minor ones) Kings would organize armies and march to the Middle East to fight The First Crusade Europeans capture Jerusalem and introduce Feudalism to the area Other Crusades The Europeans lose most of them Eventually come to terms with Muslim rulers to allow Christians to visit the “Holy Land” Why did people fight? Money, glory, land, adventure, promises of heaven


9 Effects? Each side learned about each other’s culture Trade grows
Kings gain a lot of power Distrust between various religious groups Jewish people were attacked by Christians on their way to the Crusades

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