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Order for Presentations:

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2 Order for Presentations:
1. Burning of Fossil Fuels 2. Tornados 3. Fires 4. Lion Fish 5. Cane Toad 6. Deep Horizon Oil Spill 7. Kudzu 8. Overgrazing 9. Hurricanes 10. Amazon Deforestation 11. Sea Level Rise 12. Pick Your Own Topic Group

3 CIS-Sustainable Energy
Final part due September 24th, 2013 100 points!!!!! (Lab Grade)

4 Hook: 300 Years of Fossil Fuels in 300 seconds

5 Complete Box #1 How are natural resources related to energy production? Answer in complete sentences (at least 2-3) There is no right or wrong right now!!! What do you think?

6 Vocabulary-What words don’t you know?? Write them on the Dry Erase Board!
Compromising Replenishing Inorganic Seams Radioactive Fissionable Implementation Redundant Organic Felling

7 Vocabulary Definitions
Compromising-a way of reaching agreement in which each person or group gives up something that was wanted in order to end an argument or dispute Replenishing-put back, add to something Inorganic-Not Carbon Based Seams-a layer of coal, rock, etc., that is between two other layers of rock underground

8 Vocabulary Continued….
Radioactive-emitting or relating to the emission of ionizing radiation or particles Fissionable-capable of undergoing fission and especially atomic fission Implementation-put something into place Redundant-over and over again Organic-Carbon Based Felling-cut down a tree

9 Read and Text Mark the Article!
A = Energy comes or came from an abiotic source B = Energy comes or came from an biotic source Review: What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors?

10 Answer Box #2. Explain why Earth’s resources are limited and will not last forever? You should be able to write correct answers now because you have read the article! Complete Sentences and include a reference to the article!

11 Notes What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable and nonrenewable resources? Write the page/paragraph # Write the Note Check the box that the note applies to: Supply Pollution/Greenhouse Gas Dependency on Foreign Countries Efficiency

12 Task #3….Writing The government of Gondwanaland, a large, wealthy island nation similar in size and climate to Australia, is having an energy crisis and is seeking the input of experts. They are quickly running out of nonrenewable resources and have not yet heavily invested in renewable energy sources. You have been commissioned to submit your position on the production of energy and resource consumption for Gondwanaland. Propose a plan for the sustainable use of energy that satisfies current and future energy needs while protecting the environment. Consult the exemplar for the proper way to use and cite sources.

13 Directions for the Writing portion:
Write your answer to the question using information you learned in this unit. You must organize your position with a thesis statement that is supported in your body paragraphs with evidence from the text. Feel free to bring in additional research from other sources. Be sure to cite those sources! Your formal argument must include four or more paragraphs with a clear beginning, middle, and end. Biology: Your writing portion MUST BE TYPED: Times New Roman, 12 Font, Double Spaced You can either print it, it to me, link on my website or bring it in on a flash drive. HOWEVER, do not wait until the last minute to send it, because if it is not in my inbox by your period on the 13th, it is late!

14 Example on how to cite! Gondwanaland must decrease its use of fossil fuels not only because they are rapidly depleting, but also because they release atmospheric pollutants. The first step in the plan, therefore, must be for Gondwanaland to speedily phase out the use of these nonrenewable resources. According to chunk 11 in Table 2, oil and natural gas resources will be exhausted within the next 70 years. If these resources run out before Gondwanaland adopts new technologies, the country will face an unimaginable crisis. Not only will they have depleted their current supply of energy, but they will have nothing to fall back on. Furthermore, the production of energy through the use of fossil fuels releases pollutants some of which create greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4 (Paragraph 4). According to paragraph 4, these greenhouse gases have also been linked to climate change. Over the past decade, a significant number of catastrophic climate-related events such hurricanes, tsunamis, and tornados have devastated countries around the globe. If Gondwanaland reduces the emission of greenhouse gases, scientists theorize that there may be a reduction in these events.

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