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Health and Fitness Pt 6 Dr. Solis.

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Presentation on theme: "Health and Fitness Pt 6 Dr. Solis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health and Fitness Pt 6 Dr. Solis

2 Facing the Facts How fit are you?
Most people have an unrealistic opinion of their fitness level. Most people believe they are in better physical shape than they are. They engage in activities that are too stressful on their bodies. How should you approach physical fitness? Be honest and informed on the true state of your body.

3 Facing the Facts Self Tests How do you look?
LOOK IN THE MIRROR How do you look? Are you pleased with your image? Or over critical? Do you have toned muscles, a good posture, a ‘light’ countenance? Do you look depressed? An exercise program can help in all these areas.

4 Fat skin fold measurements
Can you pinch an inch or more? You can use fat calipers to measure your amount of body fat Right side of the body Back of arm Bicep Back Waist Hip bone above your waist The sum of the skin folds determines the total percentage of body fat


6 Body Composition Are you large, medium or small boned?
Correlation between bone size and frame size Wrist and ankle circumference, and shoulder, elbow and knee width are used to determine frame size.

7 Flexibility Can you touch your toes?
Sit with your legs straight in front of you, and reach for your toes. How close can you come to touching your toes?

8 Cardiovascular Test Step test
Step 24 times for 3 minutes on a bench. Stop and take your pulse. After resting 30 seconds take your pulse again and see the change.

9 Doctors Physical Exam If you really want to know your fitness level:
See your doctor! He/She will measure your heart rate, lung capacity and blood pressure!

10 Skill vs Health Related Fitness
Do you play sports? If you do, you may notice many of your activities revolve around improving your skill. When I was in college I played a lot of hard squash and thought I was in great shape. Occasionally I played with a dentist friend who did a lot of running. He usually lost but seemed to have a lot of endurance on the squash court. One day he talked me into taking a long slow run with him. After about a half a mile, I had to stop and throw up. – Covert Bailey, Nutritionist

11 Skill vs Health Related Fitness
Playing sports is great! Avoid overeating just because you played a game! Choose healthy foods to refuel If you are fit in other areas, you will be less fatigued and less hungry after games and practices! For instance having great skill in basketball does nothing for your health unless you can participate in the sport consistently without fatigue

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