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Heibert Week of August 26-30th.

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1 Heibert Week of August 26-30th

2 August 26, English IV Bellringer: Subject/Verb Consistency (both sites are linked to my webpage) View: Complete:

3 AP English IV August 26th Poetry Responses:

4 ACT Prep August 27 Semicolons (the second most test punctuation mark)
Use the IPAD to research the 5 Semicolon Rules. You will have 10 minutes. Once we have worked individually, we will build a class list just as we did with comma’s. Use your rules to complete the work on this interactive webpage: Now work on your own and check your understanding:

5 Today is the last day we will work with sub. /verb problems
Today is the last day we will work with sub./verb problems. Tomorrow comma vs. semicolons. English IV August 28, 2013 Bellringer: Rewrite the sentence, correcting all o the subject/verb agreement errors. You will only correct the verbs. When you are finished count the number of verbs you had to fix. Everyone who go to horror movies have some reason for spending good money on a bad experience. And nobody denies that those two hours in the theater feels, in fact, perfectly ghastly. Most of the people who comes out looking dazed and paranoid eagerly agrees that the movie were really awful and that they can't wait for the next one. Why do they do this to themselves?

6 AP English August 28, 2013 How was yesterday? “The Destructors”
Any words or phrases that we need to add to our list? “The Destructors” Finish the group work that we started on Monday. Discussion questions on page 124: 4, 5, 6, 7( first part only). Plot and Structure Discussion

7 Plot and Structure Discussion
In your group complete the following: Consider each type of conflict. Provide a short story or novel title that makes use of each type of conflict and briefly explain the plot as it relates to the conflict. As a group describe one COMMERCIAL work in which you have felt cheated by the ending. ** Why do we react negatively to implausible endings? (3) In your group come up with three story titles that you have all read. For each story list the protagonist, the antagonist, one conflict, and the type of ending.

8 Make sure you know: Artistic Unity: Plot Manipulation:
Deux ex machina (latin): Ultimately, why is plot so important?

9 ACT Prep August 28, 2013 Reviewing Semicolon Rules:
On a sheet of paper (to turn in for grade): write a sentence that is an example for each Semicolon Rule we discussed yesterday in class. Check your work from yesterday. Complete the Interactive Semicolon Rule Quiz.

10 ACT Prep College Ready? Bellringer: Using the IPAD, complete the following activity: You may reach this website through my links on my webpage. Activity #2 College Search: Where do you want to go? What should you know about this school? Let’s make a list.

11 English IV – 3rd Period August 29, 2013
Bellringer: go to and read: Complete: Finish your Edgenuity Pretest. If you are finished, start the vocabulary activity.

12 English IV – 4th Period Bellringer:
Reviewing Comma Rules: Write the “hard” ones on your bellringer sheet. Continue to Analyze Nonfiction – Paying attention to word choice.

13 If a clause is restrictive it DOES NOT require commas.
English IV August 30, 2013 Honors Bellringer: You must understand the difference between a restrictive and nonrestrictive clause. Understanding the difference between restrictive and nonrestrictive clauses. The suspect in the lineup who has red hair committed the crime. The suspect in the lineup, who owns a red car, committed the crime. Restrictive means ESSENTIAL. The information following the subject is essential to the meaning of the sentence. If a clause is restrictive it DOES NOT require commas. Remember a comma hug means that the information can be removed and the meaning of the sentence is not changed.

14 ACT Prep August 30, 2013 Review the Rubric for your College Poster.
Continue to complete research. Be sure to take careful notes; you will only have one day at a computer to actually print. You need to know what to type and print when you have access to a computer.

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