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Quality Assurance Framework

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1 Quality Assurance Framework
A process for ensuring that programmes for young people are: Measured and demonstrates impact for each young person Links directly with National and Local Priorities Produces qualitative and quantitative evidence that demonstrates learning Evidences value for money Demonstrates accountability and informs practice

2 Background A range of engaging programmes for young people
Improved Positive Destinations Keen to measure the quality of the programme Looked for other Good Practice with CLD services CLD youth work in schools programme were using a QAF which they developed internally

3 Examples of some courses
Confidence Building Healthy Lifestyle (cooking) Personal care (hair and beauty) Outdoor education Up-cycling Fit for Life Boogie Bounce/Pound Build a Bike Pottery IT Wizard Animal Care Photography Life Skills Arts and Crafts Media Skills

4 I might apply to do hairdressing at college!

5 How does this link to Employability?

6 How does this link to Employability?

7 How does this link to Employability?

8 Examples of some courses
Confidence Building Healthy Lifestyle (cooking) Personal care (hair and beauty) Outdoor education Up-cycling Fit for Life Boogie Bounce/Pound Build a Bike Pottery IT Wizard Animal Care Photography Life Skills Arts and Crafts Media Skills

9 Linking to Employability
If it’s not obvious to professionals It’s not obvious to Young People

10 Quality Assuring Supporting providers to understand the wider context of their work Work closely with providers to explore how their programme links to employability skills Support providers to develop a baseline survey that links directly to the outcomes we are trying to achieve i.e. employability Encourages a Plan, Do, Review approach to delivery

11 1. Golden Thread National priority- e.g. Our young people are successful learners confident individuals, effective contributors and responsible citizens. Local priority-e.g. Priority 3- Improving attainment and positive destinations for school children SQA Skills Framework- Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work specific to the course

12 2. SQA Skills Framework- skills for Life Learning and Work
Literacy Numeracy Health and wellbeing Employability, enterprise and citizenship Thinking Skills

13 Skills for work- some examples
3.2- Emotional wellbeing- includes taking responsibility for yourself and being aware of the impact your behaviour may have on others, developing ways to manage your feelings; developing positive attitudes and resilience; practicing assertive behaviours; building confidence; and, based on an understanding of any risks, making informed decisions 4.3 – Working with others- working with others means knowing and practising what is involved in working co-operatively and sensitively with others; having the ability to recognise need and opportunity; to influence and negotiate with others to take ideas forward; being adaptable and having a determination to succeed; being able to discuss, set and meet roles and expectations in a working environment; and accessing. Providing and creating information.

14 3. Baseline Survey The Baseline Survey sets out to measure the skills that the provider aims to develop This provides a quantitative measure on distance travelled for each young person E.g 1 strongly disagree – strongly agree I am good at working with others and in a team I can follow instructions accurately

15 Discipline is important so you don’t get kicked off a course
Quality Statements Discipline is important so you don’t get kicked off a course I need to speak to more people on the course as this will help my confidence and interview techniques Stay Motivated Today I learned that every workplace has a code of conduct that needs to be followed

16 Summary QAF encourages reflective practice
QAF embeds a Plan, Do , Review approach QAF ensures providers understand the wider context and the relevance QAF ensures the provider is outcome focused QAF ensures we are measuring impact Outcomes link directly and indirectly to the world of Work Holds the provider accountable for learning Measures learning- qualitative and quantitative

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