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Activities that have proven to be successful in my courses Foster communication and vocabulary acquisition.

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2 Activities that have proven to be successful in my courses Foster communication and vocabulary acquisition

3 1.) Actively involve students 2.) Make the exercises relevant to them 3.) Let them obtain actual information (Savignon 1972,VanPatten 2003)

4 Active vocabulary strengthening das Haus

5 1.) Interview-Activities 2.) Vocabulary-Activities [instructions should always be given in German]

6 Interview Activities

7 Partner Work (GER 101)

8 Mingle Activity (yes-no questions)(GER 201)


10 open, personalized questions time pressure real life factor

11 Classroom Arrangement

12 Speed Dating Template (GER 101)

13 3 min per person 3 people (3 columns) Right row changes At the end: Pick a favorite and talk about him/her (practice of 1 st and 3 rd person Sg.)

14 1.) Personalize the topic 2.) Provide a template 3.) Practice oral and written communication 4.) Have them report back (in the third person) [Different degrees of difficulty; open vs. closed answers]

15 Vocabulary Activities

16 Review/practice activities Mnemonic strategies (tie image to word and/or context) Competition factor (Team A/Team B)

17 der Stuhl

18 einen Platten haben

19 Practice/review vocabulary and/or grammar in context

20 Guessing the word meaning without using the word itself Explaining as many words as possible in one minute Pantomime and drawing are also allowed Relates words and context, strengthens picture-word relationships, total-physical-response (TPR)

21 Das ist das Hemd für Frauen, nicht für Männer die Bluse

22 (das) Weihnachten

23 Frohe Weihnachten!

24 Fragen?

25 Danke schön!

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