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Inner and East Asia, 600 – 1200.

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1 Inner and East Asia, 600 – 1200

2 I. The Early Tang Empire, 618 - 715
A. Tang Origins Sui Dynasty (581 – 618) Emperor Li Shimin Extension of autonomy, Confucian examinations Turkic culture/military B. Buddhism and the Tang Empire Presence of Buddhism, responsibility of king Mahayana Buddhism dominant – facilitated cultural exchange Early Tang dependence on Buddhist monasteries Capital at Chang’an Cosmopolitan - diversity, contacts with Inner Asia

3 C. To Chang’an by Land and Sea
Roads, Grand Canal Tributary system Layout of Chang’an Compass design, ocean vessels Plague of Justinian D. Trade and Cultural Exchange Cultural impact from Inner Asia/Islam Clothing Stringed instruments, food and wine 1000 CE exports exceeded imports – balance of trade Silks, porcelain Increased trade along Silk Road/Indian Ocean – traders use credit/finance networks

4 What are the most important similarities and differences between the Han and the Tang culturally and economically?

5 II. Rivals for Power in Inner Asia and China, 600 – 907
The Uighur and Tibetan Empire Turks migrated from Mongolia westward 8th century – Uighurs controlled Tarim Basin/Inner Asia Cosmopolitan – merchants, scribes, art, religion Fell quickly Chinese pilgrims traveled through Tibet Alphabet, art/architecture, medicine, math, farming 643 – Tang princess Kongjo married Tibetan king – brought Mahayana Buddhism, increased contact between Tibet and Tang Tibetan military strengths Late 600s – Tang and Tibet competing from control over Inner Asia Tibet reached into Chinese provinces 800 – Tibetan king wanted to do away with monasteries but assassinated by monks – further isolation

6 B. Upheavals and Repression, 750 – 879
New fears of Buddhism undermining Confucianism, Han Yu Emperor Wu Zhao – favored Buddhism/Daoism, reviled by Confucian writers Buddhists severed ties to this world Edict of 845 – Tang destroyed thousands of temples, government gained new sources of revenue Fall of Buddhism in Tang China C. The End of the Tang Empire, 879 – 907 Empire dependent on local military rulers/complex tax system 755 – Rebellion led by General An Lushan, rise of military governors Prosperity but political disintegration and cultural decay 879 – 881 – Huang Chao (gentry) led greatest uprising Hatred of foreigners Warlords – mass migrations to the south

7 What internal and external factors contributed to the decline and fall of the Tang?

8 III. The Emergence of East Asia to 1200
Three new states: origins, beliefs The Liao and Jin Challenge Liao Empire of Khitan (916 – 1121) – Siberia to Central Asia Pastoral traditions, importance of Buddhism to emperor Siege machines, horsemen 1005 – Song tribute to the Liao Alliance with Jurchens of northeast Asia Destruction of Liao capital in 1115 “Southern Song” (1127 – 1279) – Song make payments to Jin to avoid warfare B. Song Industries INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION??? Indian/West Asian mathematicians/astronomers – fractions/calendars 1088 – Su Song and giant celestial clock Advances in magnetic compass Junk ships – rudder, watertight bulkheads…copied in Persian Gulf HUGE ARMY (1.25 million men) – half the territory of the Tang Use of steel/iron – sources in the north Government monopoly by 11th c. – producing as much cast iron as 18th c. Great Britain Mass production 1100s - Gunpowder - impact

9 C. Economy and Society in Song China
Neo – Confucianism, Zhu Xi, ideal human – the sage Chan Buddhism (Zen in Japan) – mental discipline Rigorous examinations for bureaucratic offices Social implications of scoring well/poorly on exams Printing – woodblock to moveable type Mass printing of books, exam materials, instructions on cultivation Agriculture south of the Yangzi River, plow/rakes, control of malaria Migration to the south, displacement of native people 1100 – population in Chinese territories over 100 million Large cities Problems in cities – waste management, water supply, etc. City of Hangzhou Credit – “flying money” Government issued paper money - inflation Cost of military expenditures Sold rights to collect taxes New social hierarchy based on new sources of wealth – MODERN – growth of middle class and private capitalism seen in 18th c. Europe Women’s rights/education Development of footbinding – status symbol

10 Compare and contrast the Song Dynasty to medieval Europe economically, culturally, and politically.

11 IV. New Kingdoms in East Asia
Expanding Confucian world view targeted the south Cultivation of rice needed structured society Korea, Japan and Vietnam all centralized power during the Tang period – saw Buddhism and Confucianism as compatible Korea Mountains, little agricultural land Early 500s - kingdom of Silla (south); power of landowners, Koguryo kingdom in north, after 688 Silla ruled but needed support of Tang After early 900s (fall of Tang) house of Koryo united peninsula – alliance with the Song Koryo kings supported Buddhism – woodblock printing from 700s Process of woodblock printing, advances – moveable type

12 B. Japan Geography Earliest records from China Mid 600s Yamato followed Tang government Architecture, Buddhism, Confucianism, laws No walls, no Mandate of Heaven Unchanging Tenno dynasty, role of prime minister and Shinto 794-Kyoto Fujiwara family – cultural development, Confucianism Power of warriors, civil war Education of women – The Tale of Genji Kamakura Shogunate – Buddhism, rise of samurai C. Vietnam Red River and Mekong, irrigation systems “Annam” – Confucian bureaucratic training, Mahayana Buddhism 936 – Dai Viet – good relations with Song Rivalry with Champa (south) – foreign influences Champa and voluntary tribute – Champa rice Confucian hierarchy – differences in treatment of women

13 How did China impact Japan, Korea, and Vietnam and vice versa?

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