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5.3 Mass Movement What is processes drive mass movement ? NBpg. 52

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1 5.3 Mass Movement What is processes drive mass movement ? NBpg. 52
Slide 1 of 3 5.3 Mass Movement What is processes drive mass movement ? Mass Movement Factors The transfer of rock and soil downslope due to gravity is called mass movement Factors include: *saturation of surface materials with water *oversteepening of slopes *removal of vegetation *earthquakes.

2 5.3 Mass Movement Types of mass Movement NBpg. 52 Slide 2 of 3
Geologists classify mass movements based on the kind of material that moves, how it moves, and the speed of movement. 1. Rockfall A rockfall occurs when rocks or rocks fragments fall freely through the air. 2. Slide In a slide, a block of material moves suddenly along a flat, inclined surface. Slides that include segments of bedrock are called rockslides. 3. Slump A slump is the downward movement of a block of material along a curved surface.

3 5.3 Mass Movement Types of mass Movements NBpg. 52 Slide 3 of 3
4. Flows Movement of material containing a large amount of water. Mudflows move quickly and carry a mixture of soil, rock, and water that has a consistency of wet concrete. Earthflows move relatively slowly and carry clay-rich sediment. 5. Creep • Creep is the slow, downhill movement of soil and regolith

4 Types of Mass Movement Top: slump ; Bottom: creep

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