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Rod King MBE 20’s Plenty for Us

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Presentation on theme: "Rod King MBE 20’s Plenty for Us"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rod King MBE 20’s Plenty for Us
20mph Places Conference 1st May 2012 20mph limits – how community campaigning sows the seeds for engagement and driver behaviour change Rod King MBE 20’s Plenty for Us Nicola Wass So-Mo

2 São Paulo – 30km/h Some ideas! 15th Dec 2015 How do we share equitably and safely the public spaces between buildings that we call streets? How do speed limits question our values, rights and justice? The foundation for any real behaviour change is social consensus.

3 Our proposition:- Create a social norm that 20’s Plenty where people live, work, shop, play and learn

4 We want to transform the way our urban and village roads are shared!
20mph Places Conference 20’s Plenty for Us 1st May 2012 National UK voluntary organisation supporting communities who want lower speeds for residential streets We want to transform the way our urban and village roads are shared! 20 mph default limits on streets– “Total 20” Not speed bumps Exceptions determined by local authority Retrofitting communities for active travel Community led - Establishment endorsed

5 …and now 340 local campaigns in communities in UK and now abroad
Stop Speeding Summit …and now 19th Nov 2010 340 local campaigns in communities in UK and now abroad 25% of population living in towns in UK who now have a “Total 20” policy. Moving lower speeds into the “mainstream” of transport planning and urban development. We are acknowledged as being a catalyst in that change

6 Wide community benefits a key factor in 20’s Plenty success
20mph Places Conference Wide community benefits a key factor in 20’s Plenty success 1st May 2012 Community led Wide benefits beyond road safety Benefits provide wider funding Creates multi-agency collaboration in roll-out Community-wide behaviour change

7 A community of public, politicians and professionals!
20mph Places Conference 1st May 2012 A community of public, politicians and professionals! Professionals deliver Politicians Make policy Public opinion

8 Campaigning and behaviour change a mirrored processes
Community campaigning For lower speed limits 20’s Plenty for Us Community engagement For enhancing compliance So-Mo Elected representatives make decision to change speed limits on residential roads Make support and wide benefits tangible Widen community groups Form 20’s Plenty campaign Individuals make lifestyle decision to change driving behaviour Co- design activity Engage within community & partners Understand behaviours

9 Schools Children Campaigning Advice Local Website Fact sheets and news Other Orgs Elderly Disabled Public Health Cross Party engagement Elected representatives make decision to change speed limits on residential roads Make support and wide benefits tangible Widen community groups Form 20’s Plenty campaign Active Travel Press campaigns Petitions Bust the myths Community events Local meetings Elected representatives make decision to change speed limits on residential roads

10 Nicola Wass - So-mo @nicolawass1 @so_mo_co


12 Why am I here? Delivered Liverpool’s 20mph campaign from 2012 – 2015
Provided training and mentoring for Bristol Trained and are providing ongoing consultancy to Edinburgh 2 year delivery partner for Birmingham Produced a toolkit for local authority officers, residents & employers

13 We are recruited to do two things..
Encourage a positive attitude to area-wide 20mph schemes Encourage drivers to comply with the speed limit


15 it's the people stupid!

16 Most important things we've learnt
people adopt the attitudes and behaviour of people they perceive to be 'trusted and credible’ be creative and human! when designing communications or engagement try to build on what people are already doing/ saying (authentic) use the press/ social media to amplify your stories

17 Number 1 people adopt the attitudes and behaviour of people they perceive to be 'trusted and credible’

18 our campaign spokespeople ....

19 our campaign spokespeople ....

20 Campaign spokespeople

21 who doesn't feature heavily..
council leaders/ senior officers Us! people perceived as officious

22 We use other people’s networks....

23 Number 2 Be creative and human

24 1 tweet across 3 local authorities…..

25 Number 3 try to build on what people are already doing/ saying when designing communications and engagement activity (authentic)

26 kid court

27 Number 3 use the media and social media to reach more people than you can physically engage

28 Kids court in Birmingham – October 2016

29 Featured on… …..

30 Continues to be shared ……. …..
Did you hear about what happened at that school in Anfield last week? Comment from local resident to one of our team (they didn’t know we were involved in the campaign)

31 benefits of this way of working
high public support &low objections Cross-party support unlock resource outside of the council system

32 How to succeed The big mistake would be to think this is about Traffic Engineering See campaigners as seeds in the community for the change you want Engagement Communication and Amplification Put into context of community benefits Provide value based benefits to compliers Create multi-agency collaborative team Create the social norm that 20 is Plenty where people live, work, play, learn and shop

33 Look us up we’ll be glad to help…...

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