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Presentation on theme: "Vietnam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vietnam

2 Houses Vietnam has a monsoon climate which can bring typhoons and flooding . Water is a big part of Vietnam In Vietnam they don’t have all the fancy houses that we have. They also have to build their houses on stilts so when the big floods come it doesn’t affect them. Cities can be very crowded in Vietnam so many people live in apartments in the city. In country areas it can be a struggle for families getting children to school that may be a distance away. At busy times every one is needed to help out with work so they can’t go to school.

3 houses

4 School Schools are cramped and not well equipped.
Many schools do not have playgrounds. Schools are very overcrowded because there are a lot of children in Vietnam. Therefore they operate in shifts . Some children go to school in the morning for 4 hours approx.7:30 – 11:30 am 6 days a week Monday – Saturday. Different people go to afternoon school for 4 hours .

5 Comparing Many people live in stilt houses on riverbanks, and others live in floating villages. They don’t have as much as us such as food , money, health care , technology ,education and lots more. The life expectancy in Vietnam is 73 years. Education is very important and strict to Vietnam A lot of children don’t go to secondary school because they have to help support their families.

6 They don’t have as much technology as we do such as computers , tablets , phones and TVs .
They dont get to spend hours on technology as they have to do jobs We have to do some jobs around the house but not as much as them . We have a lot more money compared to them . We can go into a shop and buy sweets or what ever we want to buy .But they cant do that because they don’t have enough money .

7 Jobs

8 Jobs Do you think that photo looks normal to you ? Children are forced to work long hours. They work on crowded farms . Most children work up to 42 hours a week.

9 Food . They don’t have all the fancy restaurants that we have.
They don’t have all of the fancy food that we have and lots People in Vietnam don’t have as much food as we do.

10 Any Questions


12 By Ava And Hannah Thank you for watching

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