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Normalcy in Government
-1920 election of Warren G. Harding and the simpler days before the war -Isolationist Policies -Washington Conferences proposed disarmament -Kellogg-Briand Treaty, 1929 outlawed war -prohibited the use of war as "an instrument of national policy." -New high tariff returned U.S. to isolationist position -Nativist policies -discriminatory quota system established, not allowing any immigrants from S & E Europe, Japan National Origins Act, 1921: limited 150,000
Labor Unrest -working conditions, for some had not gotten any better
-wartime inflation, =higher prices -technological unemployment *Strikes were not allowed during war -strikes 1. Boston Police strike (Strike over wages, Gov Coolidge called in Nat’l Guard & became a hero) 2. U.S. Steel strike 3. Coal Miners Strike John L. Lewis -labor unions weaken Open Shop system Welfare capitalism
Boston Police Strike 1919
Labor Unrest -strikes 1.Boston Police strike
2. U.S. Steel strike: 300,000 workers for better pay & hrs, beat down by police & thugs, word leaked out, better working day, Left w/no Union 3. Coal Miners Strike attempted to strike, even though court order denied them the right to, received 27% pay increase thanks to.. John L. Lewis Nat’l Hero -labor unions weaken by the 1920s Welfare capitalism, offering higher pay, health care, housing, social clubs
Communists – economic & political System, based on a single party Gov’t, ruled by a dictator
In order to equalize wealth & power, Communism would put an end to Private Property & substitute Gov’t Ownership of businesses *Followers of Lenin & the Bolshevik Revolutions, waved their red flags and called themselves the REDs, and cried for a worldwide Revolution
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917
Vladimir Lenin & “The Bolsheviks” Communists – economic & political System, based on a single party Gov’t, ruled by a dictator cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare : fear that communism would upset the capitalist order in the US, & take over U.S. Communist Party, IWW (Industrial Workers of the World)
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin Communists
cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin Communists
cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin Communists
cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin Communists
cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW -Palmer Raids - Hunted down suspected Commies & Anarchist Mitchell Palmer J.Edgar Hoover violations of civil liberties
The Red Scare -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW -Palmer Raids
Mitchell Palmer J.Edgar Hoover violations of civil liberties -Sacco and Vanzetti anarchist immigrants accused of murder of a factory pay master and executed by electric chair May 1920 -Growth of the Klan “Keep America for Americans”-attitude – 100% Americanism 1924, 4.5 million members, all white males *Found Anti-Communism as an excuse to HARASS any group unlike themselves * Paid to recruit new members into their world of secret rituals & racial Violence, dominated a lot of S politics
The Red Scare -Russian Revolution, 1917 Vladimir Lenin Communists
cry of worldwide revolution -Red Scare U.S. Communist Party, IWW -Palmer Raids Mitchell Palmer J.Edgar Hoover violations of civil liberties -Sacco and Vanzetti anarchist immigrants accused of murder and executed -Growth of the Klan
Harding and Coolidge -Prosperity returns to the United States With President Warren G. Harding -Harding made some good and bad appointment choices Herbert Hoover :Sec of Commerce= Good Ohio Gang : Cabinet of poker playing buddies -Teapot Dome Scandal gov’t owned oil rich lands leased out to private oil companies for far less than their value: Albert B Fall made $400,000 from it, 1st man convicted of a Felony while holding a cabinet position. -Harding and administration are embarrassed “ *I have no trouble with my Enemies, .. But my.. Friends, they’re the ones that keep my walking the floor at nights!” -Harding dies in Office and Calvin Coolidge replaces him and wins re-election “Keep Cool with Coolidge” – “Do Nothing Cal”
Harding and Coolidge -Teapot Dome Scandal gov’t owned oil rich lands leased out to private oil companies for far less than their value -Harding and administration are embarrassed - Shortly after Harding dies in Office and Calvin Coolidge replaces him and wins re-election- Restored faith in American Gov’t & Republican Party “Keep Cool with Coolidge” – Republican Party “Do Nothing Cal”
Harding and Coolidge -Prosperity returns to the United States -Harding made some good and bad appointment choices Herbert Hoover Ohio Gang -Teapot Dome Scandal gov’t owned oil rich lands leased out to private oil companies for far less than their value -Harding and administration are embarrassed -Harding dies in Office and Calvin Coolidge replaces him and wins re-election “Keep Cool with Coolidge” – “Do Nothing Cal”
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