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Developing a Comprehensive District Level System

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1 Developing a Comprehensive District Level System
Formative assessment feedback loops are at the center of the theory of action. Formative assessment is the bridge that connects learning theory, instruction, and formal assessment The Ongoing Journey within Reeths-Puffer Schools

2 (2-3 Minute) Meet and Greet
Assessment Instruction Curriculum Find someone, not at your table, to have a short conversation with about how you and your district are working to create a system wide approach to curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

3 Coordinated Information Flow Across Power Boundaries, or Why a Complete System, a Plan and Professional Learning are Needed Pre- and In-service Professional Learning Learning Theory Learning Theory Learning Theory Daily Instruction Standards Unit Planning Daily Lesson Planning Daily Formative Assessment Curriculum State Summative (& Interim) Assessment Local Summative (& Interim) Assessment Classroom Interim & Summative Assessment Locus of control State District Teacher Student State and Local Policymakers

4 This Is What The Process Really Looks Like In Action

5 “Stop and Jot”

6 Reeths-Puffer Assessment Belief Statements
We believe that it is important to teach, model and focus on creating a balanced assessment system, at all levels within our district. We believe that each part of the balanced system is important, but for different reasons. We believe it is our job to infuse the knowledge between the staff and administrative teams through collaborative learning to ensure that everyone has the needed knowledge and skills to move formative assessment practices from theory into daily action. We believe that we must go beyond gathering data to using data to drive our instructional practices.

7 Planning for Assessments – A Systems Approach
Communicating and Utilizing a Variety of Assessment Types Formative Interim/Benchmarkng Summative Google Calendar; **Fastbridge Assessment Outline Encourage & Systematically Build Assessment Literacy Skills Professional Learning Opportunities Summer Institute Early Release Data Days **Professional Development 4th Annual Summer Institute Utilizing Assessment Data District Level (Types of Assessments) (How is the Data Used) Building Level Classroom Level **Early Release Data Sheet; **Visual of How Everything Connects

8 Components of a Comprehensive Assessment System
Aligned Assessments Vertical, Horizontal Using A Range of Measures Balanced Across the System Coherent Aligned to the Standards; Continuous Pathway for Learning Results Drives Changes Curriculum and Instruction Continuous Review of Data All In Alignment and Build Upon One Another Early Release Data Protocol Adjusting Instruction Learning Theory and Build Over Time **Visual of How Everything Connects; Curriculum & Instruction unit samples; **Writing Prompts K-8; Assessment Literate Educators

9 Articulated Vision for Teaching and Learning
Built from the Standards Development Process that Involves Staff and Leadership Teams Building Conceptual Understanding Piloting Integrated Units Common Classroom “Look Fors” K-4 Instructional Expectations Constructivism Approach to Learning Professional Learning for Staff Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III Project Based – D-School Pilots, Penn Environmental Early Childhood Center Active Student Engagement Differentiated Developing 21st Centruy Skills Outside Learning (Summer Challenges, After School Adventure Club, Divergent Thinking) Parent Engagement (Early On, Parent Engage Literacy Nights, College Nights, STEM Night, Rocket City Games and Community Learning Summer Institute for Staff and Instructional Coaching Offering Student Choice Curriculum Instruction Learning Assessments (Formative, Interim, and Summative) **K-4 Expectations; Look For Documents; **R-P’s Draft Vision “The Why”, **Grade Level Scope and Sequence; **Standards Based Reporting

10 Collaborative System Across Political and Social Power Boundaries
District Building Leadership Departments and Grade Levels State Leadership (Administrative, Staff, Students) Parents & Community Voice (Local, County, State Level) Verbal and horizontal collaboration state, district, building, classroom level, accountability to one another and across levels; **District Leadership Team Structure; time with adminstrators to build educational leadership skills

11 School Systems Review (Draft List of Items to Consider)
Curriculum Instruction Assessment Leadership Other Built from Standard (unwrapped by all for understanding) Effective Instructional Practices Intentional Balanced Assessment System to Support Student Learning Shared Leadership for Learning/Collective Responsibility A Vision for Learning Alignment K-12 (Vertically and Horizontally) Active Student Engagement Educators, Administrators, Students, and Policy Makers are Assessment Literate Guidance and Support for Teaching and Learning On-Going Professional Learning Opportunities Coherence and Consistently Implemented Built on Learning Theory (focused on constructing knowledge) Results Focused Growth Mindset Clear and Documented Communication of Expectations Intentional Instructional Design Safe and Supportive Learning Environment Collaborative Data Analysis Partnerships (parents, outside organizations, community partners) Systems Thinking Shared Understanding of Learning Targets Purposeful Planning for Instruction and Assessment Intentional Decision Making Accountability/Focus Standards Based Grading Embeds 21st Centruy Skills; and Student Voice Intervention Supports and Programming Formative Assessment In the Moment Data Gathering To Adjust Instruction Resource Allocation Cultural Responsiveness and Reflective in Nature Ongoing Feedback Loops Original Source of ideas Unknown

12 Alpha Ladder Brainstorming

13 (Daily and On-going Student Progress)
A System in Which Information Flows Across Types & Levels of Assessment to Create a Holistic Picture of Student Learning Student Success Summative Score(s) (State & Local) Interim Score(s) (Growth Data) Formative Score(s) (Daily and On-going Student Progress) Student Assessment Sample Across Levels

14 An assessment system which provides the student achievement and growth data necessary to the various stake-holders with the information needed to make instructional, evaluative, and policy decisions at the time it is needed.

15 A System Which Provides the Various Stakeholders with the Necessary Knowledge and Skills to Develop, Implement, and Interpret Assessment as Appropriate to the Role **Book Clubs, Summer Institute Outlines, PLC options, Creative Learning Opportunities (Learning Labs during Evening Parent workshops)

16 Alpha Ladder Brainstorming

17 “Assessment literacy is the set of beliefs, knowledge and practices about assessment that lead a teacher, administrator, policymaker or student to use assessment to improve student learning and achievement.”

18 A System Which Tells a Consistent Rather than Conflicting Story to the Various Stakeholders About Instructional, Program, & Policy Needs State District Classroom State Cohort and Trend Data Individual Student Data Interim Assessment Grade Level or Content Area Common Assessments Consistent Story Formative Learning Tasks Systematic Observation WIN time (Whatever I Need) **Formative Learning Tasks within instructional units, **Does the Story Match? Comparing Student Assessments Across Levels

19 “Stop and Jot” What is Your Plan?

20 The aim is not aspiring to utopia but scaling up the success already about us. It is expertise, it is reliable judgement, it is passion for making the difference, and it is collaborative sharing of this knowing and doing and caring. This requires the greatest investment, and the benefits for the students will be manifest, powerful and exciting. John Hattie- 2015

21 Director of Teaching and Learning Reeths-Puffer Schools
Contact Information: Terri Portice Director of Teaching and Learning Reeths-Puffer Schools Ym12S3BIX2s?usp=sharing Link **Indicates that a sample document is in the resource packet.

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