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Central Angles 9.2a.

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Presentation on theme: "Central Angles 9.2a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Central Angles 9.2a

2 Warm Up 1. What percent of 60 is 18? 2. What number is 44% of 6? 3. Find mWVX.

3 A central angle is an angle whose vertex is the center of a circle.
An arc is an unbroken part of a circle consisting of two points called the endpoints and all the points on the circle between them.


5 Writing Math Minor arcs may be named by two points. Major arcs and semicircles must be named by three points.

6 The circle graph shows the types of grass planted in the yards of one neighborhood. Find mKLF.

7 Use the graph to find each of the following.
a. mFMC b. mAHB c. mEMD

8 Adjacent arcs are arcs of the same circle that intersect at exactly one point. RS and ST are adjacent arcs.

9 Find mBD.

10 Find each measure. mJKL

11 Find each measure. mLJN

12 Within a circle or congruent circles, congruent arcs are two arcs that have the same measure. In the figure ST  UV.


14 TV  WS. Find mWS.

15 C  J, and mGCD  mNJM. Find NM.

16 PT bisects RPS. Find RT.

17 Find each measure. A  B, and CD  EF. Find mCD.

18 Lesson Quiz: Part I 1. The circle graph shows the types of cuisine available in a city. Find mTRQ.

19 Lesson Quiz: Part II Find each measure. 2. NGH 3. HL

20 Lesson Quiz: Part III 4. T  U, and AC = Find PL to the nearest tenth.

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