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Cloud Service Procurement: Engaging the CISO for a Risk Assessment

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1 Cloud Service Procurement: Engaging the CISO for a Risk Assessment
Walter Petruska Information security officer University of San francisco Educause SPC May 5, 2015

2 Conversation Starter: Asking Questions
Is your CISO involved in the procurement process? Do you have a CISO? Do you have a procurement process? HOW is, or how SHOULD your CISO be involved? Business Process – Coordination between key parties Business Units / Schools IT Organization – Operations and Project Management Office Purchasing Organization Legal / Contract review focuses on LEGALITY and completeness Finance and Accounting (Registered Vendor / D&B report) Risk Management staff including Insurance and Liability review Finance- Periodic review of open-ended service agreements

3 Hypothesis: The Cloud is the Future
Trend data from Forrester and Gartner agree Educause Top 10 #8: Mobile, Cloud, Digital Policy HEISC #3: Develop effective Cloud 3rd Party Policy Promised Benefits: Quick implementation – Reap rewards earlier Minimal internal support costs – Reduces ongoing expense However- Critical questions are not asked or considered before signing agreements or starting service delivery with Cloud Services.

4 Generic Resources – Frameworks
Educause Security Guide - HEISC Shared Assessments Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) CCM PCI - DSS FEDramp Security Assessment Framework Controls and Maturity: ISO 27001 SSAE16 Internet2 Net+ solutions program

5 USF Process Documents and Authorities
Security Services VSA 3rd Party Data Release Agreement SSN Release – via AVP of Human Resources Accounting & Business Services Vendor Application OGC Contract Review Departmental Budget and Finance Managers - POs Purchasing Review – Checklist of above items Accounts Payable – Contract Management

6 Develop Policies AND Standards
Policy in a vacuum is oftentimes ineffective- Communicate regularly with your key stakeholders Providing consultative support as well as clear standards for assessment. – ITSM approach Give guiding outcomes, provide sample language for each facet of the Technology initiative (Service/Platform/Resource) VSA: Vendor Security Assessment (form) Iterative – Required Finance: Annual Vendor Scorecard

7 Conversation – Process – Assess – Communicate Standards - Monitor and Collaborate
Start the conversation early Invite yourself – write yourself into a process Build support – work together Use Common Frameworks to guide the Assessment Communicate customized technology standards and preferences to potential vendors to assure best fit Continuously Monitor your agreements for changes Maintain Vendor performance records Collaborate outside of your organization> Educause

8 End Note Note: Several documents and framework examples referenced on slides contained within this PowerPoint file were demonstrated live during the conference session. These items are not included within this presentation due to file size, complexity or due to the sensitive nature of the Vendor Security Assessment questions or the Systems Architecture reflected or revealed by those items. If you attended the session, and would like to receive a ‘generic’ version of these items,

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