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Southern Europe and the Balkans

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1 Southern Europe and the Balkans
World Geography Today 7/3/2018 Southern Europe and the Balkans Preview Section 1: The Iberian Peninsula Section 2: The Italian Peninsula Section 3: Greece and the Balkan Peninsula Chapter Wrap-Up Chapter 16

2 Section 1: The Iberian Peninsula
Read to Discover How have past events affected Spain? How is Portugal both similar to and different from Spain?

3 Section 1: The Iberian Peninsula
Effect of History on Spain Great seafaring country, spreading language and religion around the world Ruled by various peoples—Romans, Moors, Christians—who brought religion, irrigation, new crops, crafts, trades, universities Built world empire in 1500s Shaken by wars in 1800s and 1900s Civil war in 1936 led to Franco dictatorship Constitutional monarchy today; 17 regions have different levels of autonomy

4 Section 1: The Iberian Peninsula
Question What are the similarities and differences between Spain and Portugal?

5 Section 1: The Iberian Peninsula Comparison of Spain and Portugal
Early History Colonial Territories Recent History Language Religion Economy Spain Romans, Moors Spanish (Latin root), Basque, Catalan Catholicism Americas, Pacific, Africa Democratic transition, independence movements, immigration Tourism, textiles, autos, agricultural products Portugal Romans, Moors Portuguese (Latin root) Catholicism Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, Timor European Union, democracy, immigration Tourism, cork, wine

6 Section 2: The Italian Peninsula
Read to Discover How has Italy’s history affected its culture? What is Italy like today?

7 Section 2: The Italian Peninsula
Question How does historic Italy compare to modern Italy?

8 Section 2: The Italian Peninsula
HISTORIC ITALY Romans Huge empire; developed language, laws, architecture; spread Christianity Middle Ages Trade in cities like Florence, Genoa, and Venice; increased wealth Renaissance Renewed interest in learning; great developments in architecture, painting, and sculpture Unification Tremendous growth in economy and industry; membership in NATO and EU

9 Section 2: The Italian Peninsula
MODERN ITALY Economy Agricultural and manufactured products sold around the world (automobiles, designer clothes, fine food); north: rich, industrial; south: poorer, agricultural Culture Roman Catholic; Italian language; some northerners speak French, German, or Slovene; food: sauces, pastas, sausages, pastries; afternoon rest; famous historical buildings; democracy Current Issues Southern Italy’s economy with high poverty and unemployment; soil erosion and deforestation; aging population; low birthrate; pollution

10 Section 2: The Italian Peninsula
Effects of History on Italian Culture Roman Empire left strong cultural legacy—Language, laws, architecture Growth of Roman Catholic Church had major impact Trade and wealth of Italian cities in Middle Ages produced Renaissance art and culture Many foods can be traced to the 1400s

11 Section 2: The Italian Peninsula
Italy Today Modern developed country Noted exports—Cars, fashion, foods Two main economic regions—Industrial, wealthy north; poorer, agricultural south Main cities—Milan, Genoa, Turin, Rome, Bologna, Florence, Trieste, Venice, Naples Challenges—Developing the south; aging population; pollution

12 Section 3: Greece and the Balkan Peninsula
Read to Discover How did Greece develop into a modern country? Why are the western Balkans politically unstable? What changes are occurring in the eastern Balkans?

13 Section 3: Greece and the Balkan Peninsula
Question How have the economy, society, and government of Greece changed over time?

14 Section 3: Greece and the Balkan Peninsula
Economy Once poor and agricultural, now modernizing and industrializing; joined EC in 1981; rapid urbanization causing pollution Society and Culture Incorporated foreign influences; great contributions to the arts, government, philosophy, science, and sports; higher levels of education; increasing opportunities for women Government Historically, independent city-states; birthplace of democracy; controlled by Romans and Ottoman Turks; military rule after 1967; democracy since 1974

15 Section 3: Greece and the Balkan Peninsula
Western Balkans Include Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Serbia, Montenegro Political instability in the western Balkans results from a long history of invasions, foreign control, and ethnic conflict. Area has one of the most diverse human populations in Europe. Ottoman Turks controlled much of the area by the late 1300s.

16 Section 3: Greece and the Balkan Peninsula
Western Balkans (continued) After World War I, various Slavic peoples (including the Bosnians, Croats, Macedonians, Montenegrins, Serbs, and Slovenes) united as Yugoslavia. Communist rule maintained unity after World War II. End of communism allowed revival of ethnic and political rivalries. Yugoslavia split up; violence erupted between Serbs, Croats, Muslims, and Albanians.

17 Section 3: Greece and the Balkan Peninsula
Eastern Balkans Many changes are taking place since the collapse of communism, during the difficult transition to democracy and free-market economies. Moldova—Struggling agricultural economy Bulgaria—Seeking to attract modern industries Romania—Trying to expand and diversify economy Common Problems—Low standard of living, health care, clean water, housing, emigration

18 Chapter Wrap-Up Understanding the Main Ideas
World Geography Today 7/3/2018 Chapter Wrap-Up Understanding the Main Ideas How have events in Spain’s history influenced other areas of the world? How does Portugal’s history mirror Spain’s? Which of Italy’s two major regions is the richest and most industrialized? Why? How has urbanization contributed to environmental problems in Greece? What factors have shaped the boundaries of Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro)? Chapter 16

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