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Urbanization and new land-use and urban policy tools

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1 Urbanization and new land-use and urban policy tools
European Enviornment Agency, Meeting 13 October 2015 EIONET National Reference Centres Land Use and Spatial Planning (NRC LUSP) Portugal Urbanization and new land-use and urban policy tools A brief overview Cristina Cavaco Deputy-Director General DGT – Directorate-General for Territorial Development

2 Overview on territorial and population trends and dynamics
Population distribution and urbanization: Exodus from inland and rural areas to coastline and urban areas; Growth of urban areas, especially the metropolitan areas Spatial development asymmetries: AML & AMP - Atlantic Urban Continuum Urban continuum of Algarve Depopulated interior axis Portuguese municipalities by population size (2011) Variation of population by municipality ( )

3 Overview on territorial and population trends and dynamics
Land take and urban growth: Disproportion between lank take and population growth Expected demographic decline in the future

4 Land take in Portugal A variation rate of more than 40%

5 Land take in Portugal 6.89% 4.1% 2.8%

6 Urbanization and Critical enlargement of urban perimeters

7 Urban Sprawl Extensive urbanisation patterns:
Critical enlargement of urban perimeters; Land retention for real estate speculation purposes; High property values inside urban perimeters; Ad hoc construction Expansion of road infrastrucutres (highways and motorways) Urban sprawl: unplanned leapfrog developments; disperse low density settlements; spatial segregated land uses; fragmentation of agricultural and forestry areas; dysfunctions on rural-urban relationships. Image credits: Filipe Jorge

8 Land & Real estate speculation

9 Illegal Settlements Illegal subdivision of the land;
Construction without legal permits; Lack of basic infrastructures; Lack of public spaces and social facilities; Mainly concentrated in coastal and metropolitan areas; Legalization law since 1995: Responsibility of the local governments – through detail plans; no interference of central administration authorities that simply follow the process;

10 Dynamics of decline Shrinking cities:
Shrinkage and devitalization of central and historical areas; Donut effect – demographic decrease and economic loss and stagnation in city centers; Accelerated population ageing and aggressive gentrification processes; Abandonment and decrepitude of the existing building stock; Freezing of house rents during several decades; Lack of financial capacity to promote urban rehabilitation.

11 Dynamics of decline Territorial liabilities:
The high construction rates of the last decades; The slowing down of population growth; The outburst of the global financial crisis (2008) Critical situation of the real estate market and the housing stock: Surplus in the housing sector ( vacant houses); Abandon of recent buildings and urban operations that have remained unfinished. Image credits: Nuno Travasso

12 Dynamics of decline Image credits: ESPACETUR, FAUL

13 New Land Use Legal Regime – 2014 Reform
LBPSOTU Framework Policy Act Structured by 3 basic laws: Land & Land-Use, Spatial Planning and Urban Development Framework Policy Act Planning Instruments Legal Regime Urbanisation and Building Legal Regime Organized in 4 levels: national Regional Intermunicipal municipal Based on 2 types of planning tools L. nº31/2014 30 May LD. Nº80/2015 Awaiting promulgation LD. nº136/2014 9 September RJIGT Legal regime for Territorial Management Instruments RJUE Legal regime for Urbanisation and Building

14 Land-use Regime at Local Level Land-use Categories
Master Plan Albufeira (1995)

15 New Strategy for Cities
Reference Framework for Sustainable Urban Development The steering wheel

16 Strategic Guidelines Axis 1. Smartness & Competitiveness
Connectivity and internationalization Jobs and entrepreneurial and institutional strengthening Urban innovation Identity and attraction Communication and information technology Axis 2. Sustainability & Efficiency Urban regeneration Housing Urban environment Low carbon Climate change and risks Urban-rural integration Axis 3. Inclusion & Human Capital Social inclusion Empowerment and initiative Culture, citizenship and accountability Urban communities Axis 4. Place-based and Governance Information and knowledge Networking and institutional qualification

17 ISO 37 120 1. Monitoring Tool 2. Adoption of international standards
Barometer of Urban Sustainability: monitoring tool for cities benchmarking, national and internationally 2. Adoption of international standards ISO Sustainable Development of Communities: Indicators for City Service and Quality of Life 3. Governance Tool

18 Thank you! Objectives

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