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Bridging the digital divide

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1 Bridging the digital divide
February 26, 2016 Bridging the digital divide Bryan Deziel Discovery and Digital Resources Librarian Argonne National Laboratory

2 the department of energy National Laboratory System
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory Ames Laboratory Idaho National Laboratory National Energy Technology Laboratory National Renewable Energy Laboratory Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Brookhaven National Laboratory Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory Argonne is a vital part of the Department of Energy’s national laboratory system, which solves important problems in fundamental science, energy and national security. There are 17 national labs throughout the United States that are responsible for providing the capabilities necessary to advance the nation’s science and technology. These labs embark on discovery to solve complex problems using unique instruments, equipment and facilities. National labs promote innovation that advances U.S. competitiveness and contributes to prosperity. So who are the people making this all happen? Oak Ridge National Laboratory Savannah River National Laboratory Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Argonne National Laboratory Sandia National Laboratories Los Alamos National Laboratory

3 Argonne National Laboratory was founded in 1946 as the direct outgrowth of Enrico Fermi's heroic work a few years earlier to build the first nuclear reactor. Argonne's first mission was to fulfill the enormous challenge of harnessing the energy of the atom to meet the needs of a growing nation. The men and women of the new national laboratory accepted the challenge with a simple answer, “Yes.” Today, every challenge Argonne faces starts with Yes. Like the video said, Yes provides the optimism needed to take on the world’s most compelling questions. Which is what we do each day.   3

4 scientists and engineers
Argonne By the numbers $740M 3,200+ 1,250+ operating budget in 2015 employees In 2015 scientists and engineers Who we are • $740 million operating budget in 2015 • More than 3,200 employees • including more than 1,250 scientists and engineers Most of our funding – about $600 million comes directly from the U.S. Department of Energy, but another $100 million comes from other federal agencies and contractors, such as the Department of Defense, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and the Department of the Interior.. In addition, we do about $35 million of work with private industry, state and local government, universities, and foreign governments. We bring all these resources we put to bear on answering big questions and help making the world a better place.

5 The argonne research library

6 Collection development
Digital Vs. Print Advantages of Digital Resources Distance Learning Space Currency & Patron Expectations Disadvantages of Digital Resources Price Access Issues Discoverability

7 Collection development
Print Vs. Digital Advantages of Print Discoverability Quality Personal Preference Permanence Disadvantages of Print Space Preservation Perception Distance Learning & Access Replaceability

8 Collection development
Communicating with Users Why communicate with users? Enhance discoverability and collection awareness Discover Patrons’ desires & expectations Validate our budget How do we communicate with users? Library Advisory Committee (Library Liaisons) Patron Requests Newsletter Website Argonne Today Take advantage of moments of opportunity (Book Giveaways, Outreach, etc.)

9 Collection development
Decommissioning the 203 Library

10 Collection development
Decommissioning the 203 Library  Planning Evaluation of Space & Putting Print into Serials Solutions to help identify overlap Evaluating Print/Digital Overlap Evaluating Digital Usage Evaluating rarity & quality of print resources Evaluating price and quality of digital resources Communications Focal Point Signage Used visibility of the move as opportunity

11 Change management What is Change Management? Occurs when:
Upgrading systems Migrating from a current to a new system Acquiring/Unveiling new systems Sometimes even when making minor changes Why address these changes? Decrease frustration among our users Create an opportunity for feedback Learn from experience so as to create smoother future changes

12 Change Management Current & Emerging Changes at Argonne
A-Z Journal List Systems failure prevented planning “Better” systems are not always “better” in the eyes of the user PANDA & Public Portal Original PANDA development involved extensive testing and educational sessions New requirements from DOE OSTI Deposit of full text of publication with DOE Supporting data behind publication must be made publicly accessible Technical modifications to PANDA Development of PANDA Public Portal Training & Education Sessions Divisional Presentations Pilot Programs UX Testing

13 Internal Systems Making Changes Behind the Reference Desk
Understand Current Systems Evaluate New Systems Involve All Library Staff in Choosing a New System Involve All Library Staff Throughout the Actual Implementation and Migration Maintain Overall Transparency and Communication

14 Thank you Any questions?

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