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Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Thailand

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1 Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey Thailand
Bastiaan van ‘t Hoff, UNICEF Thailand For: UNESCO Regional ‘EFA-MDA meeting’ Bangkok, November 2006 The proposed programme presented here is the outcome of several months of discussions that started last year, mainly between line ministries, TICA, UN agencies, and UNICEF. In fact the starting point in preparation of the programme was the mid-term programme review back in 2004. The draft programme, covering the 5 years period , will be presented in June to the UNICEF Executive Board for their consideration. At the same time, the draft programmes of UNDP and UNFPA will be presented to their Executive Boards. Each agency has developed their programmes within the framework of the UNDAF, called the UNPAF in Thailand. mmmmm

2 What is MICS? Survey implemented at the global level, among many stakeholders, designed for obtaining high quality and internationally comparable data on the situation of women and children (including indicators to measure survival, development, protection, participation) MICS also a very good tool for measuring over 20 MDG-indicators Since 1995, MICS is implemented every 5 years (now MICS3) This global MICS3 round in over 70 countries We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

3 MICS in the East Asia - Pacific Region
Thailand Laos Vietnam Mongolia Philippines (considered) Fiji (considered) Cambodia (DHS) Papua New Guinea (DHS) We have just heard a summary of the situation of children and now I’ll quickly run through some of the lessons learned from past cooperation. These are important lessons that have been fully considered in the preparation of the new programme. We have learned that the current programme strategy is on track but that we need to be much more strategic in our advocacy, partnerships and in our approaches to building capacities. Much greater support needs to be given to building the national systems for monitoring the situation of children. We have learned that we have sometimes tried to do too much in too many places and need to better prioritise for greater impact. We have also learned that UNICEF’s comparative advantage is in child protection, in our work with young people – mainly in HIV/AIDS - and in our support for action at the community level. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

4 Why MICS in Thailand? Thailand is becoming a middle income country
However, large disparities remain within its borders, especially vulnerable groups MDG-reports point out the lack of good quality data, especially at sub-national level First ever MICS in Thailand, including statistical significant, disaggregated data for 26 provinces (decentralization process) We have just heard a summary of the situation of children and now I’ll quickly run through some of the lessons learned from past cooperation. These are important lessons that have been fully considered in the preparation of the new programme. We have learned that the current programme strategy is on track but that we need to be much more strategic in our advocacy, partnerships and in our approaches to building capacities. Much greater support needs to be given to building the national systems for monitoring the situation of children. We have learned that we have sometimes tried to do too much in too many places and need to better prioritise for greater impact. We have also learned that UNICEF’s comparative advantage is in child protection, in our work with young people – mainly in HIV/AIDS - and in our support for action at the community level. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

5 Vulnerable Provinces North: Minorities Poverty Migrants Refugees
Phangnga Phuket Krabi Satun Trang Songkhla Suphanburi Bangkok Pattani Yala Rayong Narathiwat i Khonkaen Sisaket Phayao Nan Loei Nakonphanom Mukdahan Ubonratchathani Sakaeo Ranong Kanchanaburi Tak Maehongson Chiangmai Chiangrai North: Minorities Poverty Migrants Refugees Northeast: Poverty Migration Vulnerable Provinces This map shows the most vulnerable provinces, and some of the main reasons for vulnerability The most vulnerable provinces are mainly those along the country’s borders. Tsunami affected Migrants Minorities Poverty South: Unrest (violence) Poverty and unemployment Different cultural-religious setting UNICEF November 2006 mmmmm

6 Organisation of Thailand MICS
NSO on demand of Ministry of Social Development & Human Security: Government ownership MoU between various agencies Steering Committee with MoE, MoPH, MoSD&HS, NSO as well as UNICEF, UNDP, UNESCO, ILO We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

7 Contents of Thailand MICS
Household module: Household listing Household characteristics Education Child labour Water and sanitation Salt iodization Support to orphaned and vulnerable children Child disability We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

8 Contents of Thailand MICS
Women’s module: Women's characteristics Child mortality Tetanus toxoid Maternal and newborn health Marriage Contraceptive use HIV/AIDS knowledge We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

9 Contents of Thailand MICS
Children’s module : Children's characteristics Early learning Child development Breastfeeding Care of illness Immunization Anthropometry (height and weight) We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

10 Disaggregation of data
disaggregated by: Region (North All data could be, Northeast, Central (incl. Bangkok), South) Urban / Rural Male/female Age group (for households, women, <5 children) Education level (head of household, mother) Mother tongue (Thai/other languages) Wealth index (non-income poverty measurement) And soon for 26 vulnerable provinces We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

11 Size of the Thailand MICS
Region National Survey Provincial Survey Blk./village Household Bangkok 78 2,340 156 4,680 Central (excluding Bangkok) 492 14,760 North 309 9,270 216 6,480 Northeast 324 168 5,040 South 246 7,380 336 10,080 Total 1,449 43,470 1,032 30,960 We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. For all 3 questionnaires (household, women, < 5 children) response rate of over 96%) UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

12 Results of Thailand MICS
Preliminary report released and initial discussions on data have started Final report to be ready soon So, what you’re seeing next is a summary of results that will be released fairly soon! We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

13 Child Health Number of children fully immunized by 1st year counts for 83.3% (lower for non-Thai language) Very high coverage of immunization cards, but still 5-10% based on mother’s report We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

14 Nutrition Significant underweight (10.7%) and stunting (13.2%) in rural areas Emerging overweight (10.4%) in urban areas 9.2% of newborns < 2,500 grams Exclusive breastfeeding (6 months) only 5.4% 53% of household consumption salt NOT or inadequately iodized We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

15 Water, Sanitation & Housing
95% of population (98% Thai, 70% other language) access to improved drinking water 26% uses bottled water and 37% rainwater. What does this mean? High coverage for access to improved sanitation facilities (around 99%, even disaggregated) 65% of child’s faeces disposed sanitary 17% of population considered to live in slum housing (poorest, other language groups We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

16 Child Development 61% of months old in child care or kindergarten 79% of household members engaged in at least 4 activities that promote school readiness Low coverage of books (43% more than 3) and toys (31% at least 3 types) for 0 – 59 month old children We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

17 Child Development We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

18 Child Development We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

19 Child Development We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

20 Child Development We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

21 Education UNESCO ISCED1 classification is 6-11
But: 69.6% of children enter primary school at the age of 7 85% net primary school attendance (6-11 year olds) but 94% of 7-12 year olds 87% net primary school completion rate 73% net secondary school attendance (12 – 17 year olds) High literacy rate (96% for year old women) but only 82% for non-Thai language groups We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

22 Education Net primary school attendance ratio by age Age Percentage 6
19.0 7 90.6 8 98.7 9 99.2 10 99.5 11 98.3 Total 85.4 We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

23 Education We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

24 Education We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

25 Education Net secondary school attendance ratio by age Age Percentage
12 21.3 13 86.1 14 91.5 15 88.2 16 78.0 17 68.9 Total 72.7 We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

26 Education We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

27 Education Number of secondary school aged children in primary school
Percentage 12 77.6 13 11.5 14 1.9 15 0.2 16 0.5 We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

28 Lessons learned For highlighting in-country disparities with good quality data, extensive investment is required for strengthening national systems for data collection, analysis and dissemination Even with national and provincial surveys, it’s hard to ‘find’ the most vulnerable. For obtaining data on those groups, specific, targeted surveys are required We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

29 Lessons learned Quality control: in middle income countries better is not good enough to make a difference. Therefore, huge investment required Use and dissemination of data: Government ownership crucial, challenge to get data ‘politically accepted’ and used Involvement of sub-national government: Collecting the information is not enough. Capacities for analysis and dissemination also required We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

30 Dissemination of information
Final report to be launched in January 2007 Initial government response very positive! Involvement of ministries crucial Dissemination very important Lots of publications with emphasis on provinces TPDInfo (DevInfo based) Sectoral discussions with line ministries We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

31 Next steps Finalise reporting for national level and for 26 provinces
Dissemination of results (in many ways) Analysis and interpretation reports (OPP) WFFC +5 reporting / MinCon reporting Further analysis (in depth analysis on some indicators, disparities, child poverty, etc) We have learned that its important for the programme to adjust its geographic focus to benefit the most vulnerable children. This means focusing most resources on the provinces along the Myanmar border, in the north-east, in the far south and in the tsunami provinces. This reorientation already started last year. We have also learned that components of the programme have too often in the past worked in different geographic areas and missed opportunities from the synergistic impact that comes from acting in the same places The tsunami showed us that emergency preparedenss could be much better. These lessons have all been considered in preparing the proposed programme of cooperation. UNICEF MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY November 2006 UNESCO EFA MDA meeting mmmmm

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