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1, Translate the following into English

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1 1, Translate the following into English
4, Translate the sentences into French I do nothing I never go to school I don’t like anyone I don’t play football anymore I only eat fast food I don’t have patience I have no money (argent) 2, Add the missing word for in to complete the sentence J’habite ____ Londres. J’habitais ___ France. Je voudrais habiter ___ États Unis. Je vais habiter ____ Portugal. J’aime habiter ___ bord de la mer. Nous habitons ___ ville. Mes parents habitent ___ campagne Ils veulent habiter ___ montagne. 5, Translate the box of key phrases into English. 6, Match the 2 phrases with similar meaning e.g. Il y a beaucoup de monde = Il y a trop de gens 3, Translate the following into English Dans ma ville, il y a beaucoup de choses à faire – il y a un parc d’attractions, un zoo, et beaucoup de magasins. Il y a aussi des bars et restaurants pour manger mais il n’y a pas de cinéma et il n’y a pas d’espaces verts.

2 7, Correct the mistakes with these verbs in the future
Je allerai en vacances Je fairai de la planche Je mangera des spaghettis Nous visiterai des monuments Ma soeur ferai de la natation Je resté dans une auberge Nous allons au Brésil Nous faisons les magasins 10, Present practice I always finish my homework I collect toys (jouets) We live in England in a city We often go to the cinema I am sport and also go to the leisure centre I do a lot of sport, including (y compris) climbing, swimming and cycling 8, Translate the following into French I’ll go to the Alps with my friends We’ll stay in a hotel I’ll ski everyday We’ll also do snowboarding I’ll eat fondue And we’ll drink a lot of hot chocolate It will be great I’ll love the snow and sport! 11, Past tense practice I went to the beach I ate too much (trop de) ice cream I swam We played cricket I had a picnic (un pique-nique) It was OK but I would have preferred to stay at home 12, Future practice I’ll go to my friend’s house (chez mon copain) We’ll watch films and play on the PS4 I’ll eat a panini and crisps I’ll wear my pyjamas We’ll also go on the internet and I’ll watch funny videos on Youtube It’ll be relaxing and fun 9, Put the following into French It will hot It will be cold There will be showers There will be rain The weather will be sunny The weather will be variable The weather will be stormy The sky will be blue

3 13, Use the phrases below to write a paragraph about the positives and negatives of where you live.
15, Translate the passage into English 14, Role-play practice. Prepare phrases for the following… 16, Translate following passage into French 17, Translate following passage into French

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