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Frascati 22 September 2017 Inuvik, NT X0E 0T0 CANADA

2 Historical archives at e-GEOS
Acquisition, archiving, processing and distribution services for : Envisat ERS-2 ALOS Landsat-5 Terra Aqua SeaWiFS NOAA-X SAC-D Oceansat-2 COSMO-SkyMed Radarsat-1/2

3 Historical archives at e-GEOS
Data Archived Volume: ~ 840 TByte Daily Satellite Passages : 40 Daily Data Acquisition : 65 GByte/day 35 Year Satellite data archive Robotized Archive Radarsat 1-2: SAR EnviSAT: ASAR, MERIS ERS 1-2: SAR, Altimeter, Scatt,.Landsat 1-7: MSS, TM, ETM+ Noaa 14-18: Tiros/AVHRR Seastar: SeaWIFS ALOS: Palsar, Prism, AVNIR-2 Terra, Aqua: Modis, JERS-1: SAR, OPS SPOT 1-4 Received & Archived data

4 COSMO Sky-MED Archivies
Raw data archive status (L0F) CSK at Matera, at 31/08/2017 Dati L0F : Spazio occupato :  590TB Data are stored on a Oracle SL3000 library on T1000 8TB tapes. There is an off-line, backup copy of the data stored in a different area in the structures hosted the Italian PAF/PAC Activities.   The COSMO/SkyMed data products an ancillary data are available on line according to a 6 months rolling archive policy.

5 Landsat – 8 Archiving system
Tape Library ORACLE SL150 Archiving Block 6 x LTO Tape drive 300 x  Cartridge Slot 750 TB nominal storage capability Line The Backup System is based on Bacula Software and a Tape Library ORACLE SL150 The following Client are involved with the Backup System: HRDFEP KEYSTONEDB DATAPORTAL MGT01 (Collects data from Matera and Kiruna sites) BACULA SERVER (Installed on the Sun Oracle X4-2 Backup Server)

6 At Matera station are still stored:
ESA Data Archives At Matera station are still stored: ~ ERS1 and ERS 2 HDDT tapes ~ LANDSAT, MOS and JERS HDDT ~ DLT, NTP, Exabyte tapes (ENVISAT, ERS, ….) In Fucino Station there are: ~ ERS1 and ERS 2 HDDT tapes All these tapes will be disposed in next months according to ESA Phase-Out activities

7 Data preservation activities
Part of the activites done on ESA contracts (during year ) have been: re-ingestion of several thousands of LANDSAT data (since Landasat-3 to Landsat-7) stored on HDDTs support the re-ingestion of about ERS1 LBR data stored on HDDT tapes. The activities have been done using Schlumberger and Penny&Giles SE900 systems. The Penny&Giles systems are still operative at Matera Station and have been recently used for the re-ingestion of further 500 ERS1/2 HDDT tapes on ESA request to fill some gaps in thier own data archive.



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