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Presentation on theme: "DEPARTMENTAL PERFORMANCE REPORT DIRECTOR-GENERAL: M. TSHANGANA"— Presentation transcript:


2 Presentation Outline Policies Legislative Programme DFI Consolidation
Housing Opportunities Strategic Partnerships Sector Capacity building initiatives Administration Departmental Overall Expenditure Recommendations

3 Policy A significant number of stakeholders consulted on the draft discussion document and include Provinces, other Sector Departments, Local Government, Banks, Academic Institutions, Entities and other non-governmental organizations. A round-table discussion on finance and human settlements was also held to enhance process and content quality

4 Policy Round-table discussions on planning, design and development of human settlements were convened Through the consultation process and round-table discussions, the policy discussion document was revised taking into consideration inputs and proposals made The review of the Housing code has commenced and programmes in the code are being reviewed by the department and provinces

5 Legislative Programme
A consultation with the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform (DRDLR) on the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from an Unlawful Occupation of Land Amendment Bill, 2016 was consulted was held The required social economic impact assessment analysis was conducted on the Property Practitioner’s Bill, The DPME issued the required SEIAS certificate for the tabling of the Bill before the Social Protecion and Human Development Cluster

6 Legislative Programme
Inputs were received into the adjudication of disputes in the Housing Consumer Protection Bill, 2016. The Bill has been submitted to the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor for a preliminary legal opinion Amendments are being prepared to the Home Loan and mortgage Disclosure Amendment Bill The CSOS and STSM have been adopted by National Assembly The Regulations will be tabled before National Council of Provinces in August 2016

7 Consolidation of Development Finance Institutions
The Policy, Legal and Regulatory processes for the establishment of the Human Settlements Development Bank HSDB were finalised including the final draft of the policy and appointment process for the legal drafters A proposal on the appointment of the interim governance structure for the single DFI is under consideration by Minister. The required amendments to tax legislation to enable the conclusion of the buy-sell agreements to effect the consolidation of RHLF and NURCHA into NHFC.

8 Preliminary Housing Opportunities
Of the 75 feasibilities planned to be conducted on informal settlements in quarter one, 52 feasibilities were conducted in various municipalities conducted in Breede Valley, Amathole, Knysna, Mbombela and Alfred Nzo Of the 100 Informal settlement upgrading plans planned for quarter one, and 26 Informal Settlement upgrading plans were developed in Msunduzi and Thembisile Hani Municipalities 9 279 households were upgraded subsidy housing opportunities provided

9 Delivery for April – June 2016 in relation to Estimated Targets for the First Quarter
Note: 2016/17 Q1 delivery figures are preliminary and is as captured on HSS (10 Aug 2016).

10 Delivery (April – June 2016) in relation to Annual Targets and Remainder to be Delivered to Year-End
Note: 2016/17 Q1 delivery figures are preliminary and is as captured on HSS (10 Aug 2016).

11 Strategic Partnerships
The MOUs have been drafted for the establishment of partnerships with the following mining companies : Wesizwe Bakubung-Platinum Mining Company Anglo American

12 Strategic Partnerships
Association for universities established - with academic institutions participating in the professionalization of a Human Settlements qualification The MOA between the department and Mangosuthu University of Technology(MUT) drafted for approval and signature The University of Fort Hare Centre for Sustainable Human Settlements partnership was established, with specific focus on social facilitation, community engagement, research and capacity development

13 Sector Capacity Building Initiatives
To date, a total of 1750 Youth received training on Artisan Development in various provinces and these include: Eastern Cape, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Free State, KwaZulu Natal, Western Cape, Northern Cape, North West and Limpopo The department facilitated the provision of specialised professional skills including: The intake of 900 Real Estate Learnerships through the EAAB Funding more than 70 students through the departmental scholarship programme

14 Sector Capacity Building Initiatives
Minimum 30% allocation quota of housing projects to women has been implemented within the existing government’s procurement policy framework This is demonstrated by the implementation the procurement policy framework and the allocation of projects to women contractors The allocated units in various Provinces for the programme inlcudes: housing units in  Eastern cape 3042 housing units in Free State 2568 housing units in North West housing units in KwaZulu Natal 896 housing units in Western Cape 5 900 housing units in Limpopo

15 Sector Capacity Building Initiatives
42 officials were trained on the Wits Training Course on the Housing Policy Development and Management Programme 40 Officials trained on FLISP application 41 Professionals and designated groups skilled through Short Learning Programmes 5712 beneficiaries trained on consumer education Hyperlink: Quarter 1 capacity building initiatives per province

16 Administration and Communication
The department complied with statutory tabling and prescripts on submission of financial statements and annual report Human Resource Plan was submitted to DPSA The SMS Disclosure requirement was submitted to DPSA

17 Preliminary Overall Performance
The overall departmental performance is 48% Most targets that have not been achieved relate to MTSF delivery targets that are cumulative Information classified as partially achieved relate to targets where substantial amount of work has been done and actual performance will be validated prior submitting the actual performance information in September 2016

18 Delivery Targets Not Achieved
Title Deeds restoration programme Informal Settlements Upgrading Programme including the National Upgrade Support Programme Affordable Rental Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy not approved at the time of reporting Audit Plan not approved at the time of reporting

19 Performance per programme (Preliminary)


21 Expenditure by Programme: 30 June 2016
Total Allocation R' 000 Commitments Expenditure Variance % Spent 1. Administration 34 538 85 243 19% 2. Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning 83 063 1 561 16 115 66 948 3. Programme Delivery Support 33 086 19 864 9% 4. Housing Development Finance 51 17% Total 69 235

22 Operational Expenditure by Programme: 30 June 2016
Total Allocation R' 000 Commitments Expenditure Variance % Spent 1. Administration 34 538 85 241 19% 2. Human Settlements Policy, Strategy and Planning 81 852 1 561 16 115 65 737 20% 3. Programme Delivery Support 33 086 19 736 9% 4. Housing Development Finance 25 083 51 5 269 19 814 21% Total 69 235 17%

23 Transfer Payments: 30 June 2016
Total Allocation Expenditure Variance % Spent Grants 18% Human Settlements Development Grant 28% Urban Settlements Development Grant - 0% Entities 52 756 7% Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Operational 36 392 100% Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Institutional Investment 34 183 Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Restructuring Capital Grant Social Housing Regulatory Authority: Regulations 6 000 Community Schemes Ombuds Services 23 920 16 364 7 556 68% National Housing Finance Corporation Housing Development Agency Housing Development Agency: NUSP 20 000 Departmental Transfers 10 612 130 10 482 1% Bursaries Scheme 9 355 121 9 234 UnHabitat 1 211 Households 46 9 37 19% Total 17%

24 HSDG Expenditure Performance: 30 June 2016
Provinces Voted Funds Year to date (1 April June 2016) Transferred Funds Spent by Provinces Variance Spent vs. Transferred Variance Spent vs. Voted Funds Transferred as % of Voted Spent as % of Transferred Funds Spent as % of Total Available Funds R'000 Eastern Cape -1 39 100 Free State 57 81 46 Gauteng 19 77 15 KwaZulu-Natal 33 89 29 Limpopo 17 131 22 Mpumalanga 41 791 23 86 20 Northern Cape 46 135 61 596 43 12 North West 35 66 Western Cape 60 526 85 Total 28 84 24

25 Milestones Not Yielding New Opportunities : 30 June 2016
Some milestones not yielding new opportunities as at 30 June 2016 Programmes Annual Targets Delivery Performance Sites Units Funds Allocated Expenditure R'000 EEDBS 50 12 274 81 733 - 388 11 420 Rectification 3 685 818 OPSCAP Land Hectares 280 hectare 75 639 65 000 Eradication of Title Deeds Backlog 4 871 2 089 Disaster Relief Fund 174 49 52 19 358 Total 330 6 129

26 Upgrading of Informal Settlements in Mining Towns
Province Mining Towns Area Annual Targets Delivery Performance Sites Units Funds Allocated (Gazetted) Funds Allocated (As per BP Expenditure R'000 Free State Matjhabeng 967 2 208 602 Total Gauteng Merafong City 935 986 26 000 Randfontein 33 000 10 711 Westonaria 1 000 1 787 44 000 Mogale City 1 115 1 368 20 000 3 050 4 141 Limpopo Thabazimbi 491 27 000 46 648 30 1 963 Greater Tubatse 517 6 000 50 943 182 10 008 Elias Motsoaledi 240 406 12 000 50 465 138 12 919 Lephalale 1 054 975 18 000 235 17 919 Fetakgomo 521 3 000 50 635 35 5 961 1 294 2 910 66 000 620 48 770

27 Upgrading of Informal Settlements in Mining Towns
Province Mining Towns Area Annual Targets Delivery Performance Sites Units Funds Allocated (Gazetted) Funds Allocated (As per BP Expenditure R'000 Mpumalanga Emalahleni 2 000 1 976 96 000 1 500 160 89 782 Steve Tshwete 745 528 38 000 52 601 Thaba- Chweu 235 28 000 20 750 68 1 853 Total 2 745 2 739 228 Northern Cape Tsantsabane 15 11 000 12 600 1 970 Ga-Segonyana 360 49 13 000 24 215 42 1 223 Gamagara 500 10 000 11 250 Kgatelopele 4 700 1 360 64 36 000 52 765 3 193 North West Kgetleng Rivier 498 15 000 65 069 121 19 234 Madibeng 1 034 1 069 137 8 631 Moses Kotane 922 60 000 231 44 532 Rustenburg 2 070 1 639 246 47 792 Matlosana 780 69 000 98 708 602 66 097 3 104 4 908 1 337 Grand Total 12 520 16 970 2 829

28 Finance Linked Individual Subsidies Programme (FLISP)
Report as at 30 June 2016 Province Annual Targets Delivery Performance Sites Units Funds Allocated Expenditure R'000 Eastern Cape - 203 3 249 75 3 344 Free State 80 4 800 Gauteng 893 56 319 KwaZulu-Natal 2 000 400 96 000 70 3 280 Limpopo 156 12 498 Mpumalanga 6 960 Northern Cape 30 2 182 5 160 North West 34 6 078 17 913 Western Cape 1 161 58 050 154 3 628 Total 3 037 321 11 325

29 Rectification Report as at 30 June 2016 Province Annual Targets
Delivery Performance Sites Units Funds Allocated Expenditure R'000 Eastern Cape - 1 899 591 KwaZulu-Natal 1 786 225 29 381 Western Cape 4 000 Total 3 685 816

30 Operational Capital Budget
Report as at 30 June 2016  Province 5% allocation Funds Allocated Expenditure R'000 Eastern Cape 98 119 55 132 10 085 Free State 52 864 33 614 Gauteng 58 520 KwaZulu-Natal 25 002 Limpopo 64 194 47 616 50 Mpumalanga 63 258 65 732 12 567 Northern Cape 19 020 18 555 3 843 North West 13 958 Western Cape 98 756 57 466 9 768 Total

31 Disaster Relief Programme
Province Annual Targets Delivery Performance Sites Units Funds Allocated Expenditure R'000 Eastern Cape - 49 52 19 358 Gauteng 47 000 Limpopo 30 000 Mpumalanga 174 18 000 Total

32 USDG Expenditure Performance : 30 June 2016
USDG PRELIMINARY EXPENDITURE (01 JULY 2015 – 30 JUNE 2016) Municipality Voted Funds 1 Rollover from 2014/15 2 Total Available Funds 3 (1+2) Spent by Municipality 4 % Spent against Total Available funds 5 (4÷3) Unspent from Total Available Funds 6(3-4) % Unspent against Total Available Funds (6÷3) R'000 Buffalo City 42 403 96.7 24 569 3.3 Nelson Mandela Bay - 97.7 19 526 2.3 Mangaung 77 536 92.2 59 904 7.8 Ekurhuleni 86.4 13.6 City of Johannesburg 96.3 64 708 3.7 City of Tshwane 36 868 100 eThekwini City of Cape Town 85.4 14.6 Total 93.7 6.3

33 MHSCG Performance - Expenditure as at 30 June 2016
Municipality Voted Funds Rollover from 2014/15 Total Available Funds Actual Transfer from Voted funds Spent by Municipality % Spent against Total Available funds % Spent against Transferred funds Unspent from Total Available Funds % Unspent against Total Available Funds 1 2 3 (1+2) 4 5 6 (5÷3) 7 (5÷4) 8 (3-5) 9 (8÷3) R'000 Buffalo City 9 253 - 2 983 32.2 6 270 67.8 Nelson Mandela Bay 9 847 23 235 33 082 15 129 45.7 153.6 17 953 54.3 Mangaung 9 206 4 650 50.5 4 556 49.5 Ekurhuleni 14 313 50 818 65 131 19 460 29.9 136.0 45 671 70.1 City of Johannesburg 16 505 59 573 76 078 16 121 21.2 97.7 59 957 78.8 City of Tshwane 12 831 16 420 29 251 100.0 228.0 eThekwini 14 342 39 980 54 322 27 872 51.3 194.3 26 450 48.7 City of Cape Town 13 703 31 580 45 283 19 209 42.4 140.2 26 074 57.6 Total 41.9 134.7 58.1

34 Consolidated – Non-Financial Performance as at 30 June 2016
Category Description Total Available Funds % of Voted Funds Spent By Municipalities Unspent Funds % Spent R'000 Capacity Compensation of Employees/ Salaries 34.9 54 491 57 801 48.5 Training of Staff 15 991 5.0 12 581 3 410 78.7 Workshops 400 0.1 57 343 14.3 Consultants 74 836 23.3 48 182 26 654 64.4 Professional / Technical Sevices 22 980 7.1 3 511 19 469 15.3 Interim Capacity (Fixed term contracts) 13 336 4.1 3 368 9 968 25.3 Research 10 701 3.3 - 0.0 Legal costs 1700 0.5 Support Rental - External / Buildings 1 352 0.4 479 873 35.4 Risk Management 15 028 4.7 953 14 075 6.3 Management plan/business processes 1 769 0.6 1 486 283 84.0 Functional Planning 23 442 7.3 5 417 18 025 23.1 Operational Costs 435 381 54 87.6 Office Equipment 11 096 3.5 3 703 7 393 33.4 Systems 16 248 5.1 66 16 182 Total 100 41.9

35 Recommendations It is recommended that the Committee notes the presentation on preliminary performance information and related expenditure

36 “We have come a long way – Celebrating 20 Years of Freedom!”
THANK YOU “We have come a long way – Celebrating 20 Years of Freedom!”


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