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Welcome to Back to School

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1 Welcome to Back to School 2011-2012
Mrs. Alvarez Language Arts/Social Studies

2 Schedule Homeroom: PE/Elective/Per. 1 Elective/PE/Per. 2 PACK/Per. 3
Lang. Arts/Per. 4 Social Studies/Per. 5 Lunch Lang.Arts(Sw.)/Per. 6 S.S. (Switch)/Per. 7 8:00 – 8:10 8:10 – 9:00 9:00 – 9:50 9:50 – 10:30 10:30 – 11:30 11:30 – 12:20 12:20 – 12:50 12:50 – 1:40 1:40 – 2:30

3 Language Arts Books include Holt Literature, Easy Grammar, and novels used in PACK. It includes reading, spelling, Greek and Latin roots, grammar, vocabulary, and writing. For eighth grade they must read 800 pages independently for each trimester. Students will be required to turn in a reading log twice a trimester that must be signed y you. Students will be expanding their writing skills by writing narratives, response to literature, persuasive essay, and a research report.

4 Social Studies Book includes Discovering Our Past The American Journey
Curriculum covers United States History from the Age of Exploration to the Progressive Era. We will be reading, taking notes, doing projects, videos, and current events. We have double the amount of chapters that they had to get through in seventh grade. We go through the chapters fast; so they need to study and take notes.

5 Attendance Regular attendance is very important.
If a test is missed, it is up to the student to reschedule within the next week that they are back. All tests not made up within that time frame will be given a zero.

6 Work/Grades Corrected work/tests will be sent home on Thursday, in a “Thursday Folder”. Please sign and return the folder by Monday, papers are yours to keep. A behavior report will be included each week in the Thursday folder. (O,S,N) Grades will be on line through Espri. Progress reports every six weeks, signature page in planner on p. 19 for the six week progress report. On p of the planner they are to write their grades for each week. You initial that you have seen them.

7 Homework Assigned Monday-Thursday
Occasionally it might extend throughout the weekend. It allows students to practice skills. Homework is posted on my web sight on

8 Behavior/Consequences
Show respect for self, others, and their property. Demonstrate responsibility by being prepared for each day, class, and assignment. Obey all school rules. (page 9-12 in pack planner) Warning Lunch Detention Noted in Thursday Folder or a call home Conference with parent Severe – Office referral

9 Textbooks online Have your child write this information in their PACK planner p.6 Language Arts User Name: geighth Password: eighth Social Studies User Name: DSWWCA06 Password: g1Mm8zd1 Online quizzes/ (I will put these in as extra points)

10 Promotion Must be eligible academically as well as behaviorally
Requirements are clearly stated in the Day Creek PACK Planner on p.5.

11 Closing Eighth grade is a year of increased responsibility for students preparing for high school. Parental involvement is still critically important at this age. If you have any questions or concerns please call me at ( ) or me at

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