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Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene Adult Religious Education

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Presentation on theme: "Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene Adult Religious Education"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene Adult Religious Education
Welcoming Unitarian Universalist Church in Eugene Adult Religious Education

2 Chalice Lighting “Working Together” by David Whyte

3 Christine Santoro -
Katy Siepert – Pre-reading material for class: link

4 Introductions Name Preferred personal pronoun
What do you hope to learn here?

5 Ground Rules We ask that you stay engaged
We want to hear from you, but it is safe to pass if needed Expect to Experience Discomfort Speak your Truth Expect and Accept a Lack of Closure Take care of your self and your needs Begin and end on time. Class begins at 7:00 and goes until 9:00

6 Ken Tanaka What kind of Asian are you?
Actors read real responses…

7 Complete this sentence:
Talking about racism is difficult because…

8 Complete this sentence:
Talking about racism is important because…

9 Jay Smooth Race – The Final Frontier!
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race

10 When did you first notice that your race matters?
Discussion: When did you first notice that your race matters?

11 Louis Alvarez and Andrew Kolker
People Like Us – Social Class in America

12 When did you first notice that your class matters?
Discussion: When did you first notice that your class matters?

13 Next session: January 20th, 7-9:00
Thank you for coming! Next session: January 20th, 7-9:00

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