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Setting up and Optimizing VLRCs

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1 Setting up and Optimizing VLRCs
February, 2017

2 Content Course Introduction Module I Introduction
The architecture of a VLRC

3 Course introduction Main Competence
You will design a virtual language resource centre to… provide practice and learning opportunities related to a particular language skill or system to a group of learners by means of collaboration- based activities to foster their learning autonomy and self-directedness.

4 Course introduction Specific Competence
You will reflect on the different options available for resource centres that … encourage teacher and learner autonomy optimise language teaching and learning through the use of ICT and Web 2.0 tools.

5 Course Introduction Components
VLRC (architecture + theoretical considerations) Collaboration ( a theoretical approach) A collaborative project & learning objects Evaluating a VLRC

6 A taste of VLRCs

7 Course Info in Vs

8 SOLRCII at a glance

9 What we will do The course lasts 48 hours distributed along 16 weeks.
You will work on 8 course modules and on the construction of the VLCR. In weeks 15 and 16, you will refine the VLCR to make sure it complies with the requirements.

10 Assessment Our course assessment will be mainly derived of the following products: Assignment name % of course grade Forum & class participation (includes: VLRC architecture, chat, Web 2.0 presentation, piloting LO1 & LO2) 30% Collaborative project & Learning Objects 10% VLRC 60%

11 Module introduction What is a VLRC? Why do our students need a VLRC?

12 Let’s remember a Language Resource Centre (LRC) provides services (including resources) and facilities for users in support of a specific goal or 'mission' related to language learning, teaching, applied linguistics or research into any of these areas” (Taken from: LRC project partners. (2003).The Language resource centre handbook. Athens, Greece: LRC project partners)

13 VLRCs Virtual language resource centres are often conceptualized according to their teaching objectives, the user profiles and the needs they target” (Taken from: LRC project partners. (2003).The Language resource centre handbook. Athens, Greece: LRC project partners)

14 VLRCs “In 2002, Paquette characterized a VLRC as a learning scenario which “rests on the networking of actors and resources, aims to provide access to learners, synchronously or asynchronously, to different resources: instructors and tutors, subject-matter experts, training managers and professors acting as designers”. Paquette (2002).

15 VLRCs “ A set of components in which learners and tutors participate in online interactions of various kinds, including online learning” ( JISC ,2007 in Maltby and Mackie (2008).

16 The actors in a VLRC

17 Must be centered on the learner.
VLRC principles Must be centered on the learner. 2. Uses distance and online instruction as assets to facilitate lifelong learning.

18 3. Proposes a constructivist pedagogy
VLRC principles 3. Proposes a constructivist pedagogy 4. Is process-oriented

19 VLRC principles 5. Offers just-in-time information 6. Must induce the development of knowledge and skills that will make learners capable to search, find and process information adequately

20 VLRC principles 7. Aims to develop social skills and positive attitudes towards learning. 8. Offers the different actors various ways of accessing and processing and using information.

21 VLRC principles 9. Supports the learning process through various seamlessly integrated resources, tools and learning objects 10. Can be adapted by learners or trainers to the particular needs of learners.

22 Meeting the needs of students
How would a VLRC meet the needs of our students?

23 Meeting the needs of students
The centre promotes a collaborative learning environment where learners interact by negotiating, debating, reviewing and reflecting upon existing knowledge, and are able to build a deeper understanding of the course content. (Vonderwell 2002, Geer 2003 in Wozniak, H. & Silveira, S. (2004).

24 Meeting the needs of students
The centre scaffolds learning with strategies, resources, learning objects, help desks, forums, self and peer evaluation opportunities, tutor’s guidance and others.

25 Meeting the needs of students
A VLRC addresses varied learning styles which may mean more effective learning opportunities.

26 other reasons… Geographical boundaries Asynchronous communication Possible constrains internet access ICT literacy Students’ beliefs Teachers’ beliefs

27 The architecture of a VLRC
What do you think the components of a VLRC should be? Think of your students’ profile and needs The centre objectives Your own teaching objectives

28 The architecture of a VLRC

29 What to do next? Access and analyze Module input resources.
Check whether you are a Module Host for this Module. Participate in Module Forum activity/discussion according to the instructions there. Have fun learning!

30 Contact your tutor … Leave a message in the FAQs section Send an

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