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2017-18 CAASPP Accessibility Resources: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Assessment Services.

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Presentation on theme: "2017-18 CAASPP Accessibility Resources: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Assessment Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 2017-18 CAASPP Accessibility Resources: Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations
Assessment Services

2 Learning Goal Participants will be equipped with the information, and tools necessary to: Understand the available CAASPP accessibility resources available for the school year Implement a process for assigning, and collecting designated supports and accommodations for students Learn the three ways to enter the designated supports and accommodations into the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Assessment Services

3 Agenda Accessibility Overview
Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations Unlisted Resources Identifying Supports for Students Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP) Tool & Form Uploading Settings to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS) Test Administration Reminders & the Student Interface Resources & Support Assessment Services

4 Overview of Accessibility Resources

5 Purpose and Importance of Assessment Accessibility
Equal opportunity to demonstrate learning Access to CAASPP assessments Access to instruction Access to classroom assessments Assessment Services

6 Accessibility Resources
General guidelines for use: Student is familiar with the accessibility resource(s) Accessibility resources are same or similar to those used for instruction and classroom assessment Student has multiple opportunities to practice in the test environment Assessment Services

7 Accessibility Resources Continued
Universal Tools = available to all students; based on student preference and selection Designated Supports = available to all students for whom the need has been indicated by an educator or team of educators Accommodations = based on a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEPs) or Section 504 Plan Must be entered into TOMS Assessment Services

8 Accessibility Resources
Embedded: digitally delivered via the online testing platform Non-embedded: provided by the school see handout Assessment Services

9 Universal tools, designated supports, and accommodations all yield valid scores
Assessment Services

10 Universal Tools = available to all students based on student preference and selection

11 Universal Tools: Embedded
Breaks the number of items per session can be flexibly defined based on the student’s need; there is no limit on the number of breaks a student may be given Calculator on-screen digital calculator for calculator-allowed items only; for grades 6-8, and 11 on math and grades 5, 8, and high school for science Digital Notepad a tool for taking notes for specific items; is available through the end of the test segment pages 6-8 in guidelines Assessment Services

12 Universal Tools: Embedded (Continued)
English Dictionary available for the ELA performance task (PT) full write only English Glossary definitions of specific terms are shown in English on the screen via a pop-up window Expandable Passages enables students to expand the reading passage so that it takes up a larger portion of the screen Global Notes is a digital notepad available for the ELA PT pages 6-8 in guidelines Assessment Services Global Notes Digital Notepad

13 Universal Tools: Embedded (Continued)
Highlighter for marking desired text, questions, or answers with a color Line Reader allows students to highlight individual lines of text in a reading passage Mark for Review allows students to flag items for future review NEW pages 6-8 in guidelines Assessment Services

14 Universal Tools: Embedded (Continued)
pages 6-8 in guidelines Science Charts- periodic table and reference sheets are available online for science test items Strikethrough enables students to cross out undesired answer options Thesaurus is available for the full write portion of the ELA performance task Zoom for making text or other graphics in a window of frame appear larger on the screen NEW Assessment Services

15 Universal Tools: Non-embedded
English Dictionary for the ELA PT only Scratch Paper blank and lined is most appropriate for ELA; graph should be used for grades 6 and above on the math; white boards are allowed; used scratch paper/white boards are considered secure and must be collected after testing Thesaurus for the ELA PT only pages 8-9 in guidelines Assessment Services

16 Designated Supports = features that are available for use by any student for whom the need has been indicated by an educator or team of educators

17 Designated Supports: Embedded
pages in guidelines Color Contrast enables students to adjust screen background or font color Masking enables students to block off content that might be distracting Mouse Pointer sets the size and color of the mouse cursor Color Contrast NEW Assessment Services

18 Designated Supports: Embedded
pages in guidelines Text-to-Speech items and/or math stimuli is read aloud to students via the text-to-speech technology (not for reading passages) Turn off any Universal Tools disables tools that might be distracting to students Assessment Services

19 Designated Supports: Embedded Continued
Language Supports for Math & Science Items: Translated Test Directions test directions available prior to the test are displayed in Spanish Translations (Glossary) provided for selected terms for math and science Translations (Stacked) provide full translation in Spanish for each math item above the original item in English Translated Test Directions page 12 in guidelines Assessment Services

20 Designated Supports: Non-embedded
pages in guidelines Amplification allows the student to adjust the volume control beyond the computer’s built in settings using assistive technology Color Contrast & Color Overlay available for students with the Print on Demand accommodation Calculator for the science test (four-function for grade 5, scientific for grade 8 and high school) Magnification size of specific areas of the screen may be adjusted with assistive technology device or approved software Noise Buffers (e.g. ear mufflers, white noise) Read Aloud test items and/or math stimuli are read aloud to the student (not available for reading passages) NEW Assessment Services

21 Designated Supports: Non-embedded
pages in guidelines Science Charts- periodic table and reference sheets are available to download for students who cannot access the online charts Scribe- students dictate their responses (not available for ELA writing items) Separate Setting- test location is altered; this includes most beneficial time, special lighting or acoustics, adaptive furniture Simplified Test Directions – test directions found in the test administration manual may be paraphrased or simplified; this designated support may require a separate setting Assessment Services

22 Designated Supports: Non-embedded Language Supports
Bilingual Dictionary for full write portion of ELA performance task Read Aloud in Spanish for math and science only Translated Test Directions PDFs of directions available on Translations (Glossary) only for math items on paper/pencil test pages in guidelines Assessment Services

23 Accommodations = changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access during testing; requires an IEP or 504 Plan

24 Accommodations: Embedded
pages in guidelines American Sign Language- available for ELA listening items and math and science items Braille- requires special equipment Braille Transcript- of the closed captioning created for listening passages Closed Captioning- for ELA listening items Streamline- provides a streamlined interface of the test in a simplified format Text-to-Speech- text is read aloud via embedded text-to- speech technology; available for the ELA reading passages NEW See handout Assessment Services

25 Accommodations: Non-embedded
pages in guidelines 100s Number Table a table listing numbers from available for grades 4 and above Abacus may be used in place of scratch paper for students who use an abacus Alternate Response Options (adapted keyboards, StickyKeys, adapted mouse, etc.) Braille- paper/pencil test NEW Assessment Services

26 Accommodations: Non-embedded (Continued)
pages in guidelines Calculator for calculator allowed items only, Grades 6-8, 11 (e.g. braille calculator, talking calculator) Multiplication Table single digit; for grades 4 and above Print on Demand paper copies of either passages or items are printed (for a very small percentage of students); must contact Assessment Services to activate Assessment Services

27 Accommodations: Non-embedded (Continued)
pages 20-23 in guidelines Read Aloud for reading passages; appropriate for a very small number of students Scribe for ELA writing items; students dictate their responses to trained adult who records verbatim Speech-to-Text voice recognition allows students to use their voices to input responses; not available on Chromebooks Word Prediction allows students to begin writing a word and choose from a list of words that have been predicted; delivered via special software the student regularly uses See handout NEW Assessment Services

28 When is it a Designated Support? When is it an Accommodation?
Read Aloud- math, science, and ELA non- reading passage items Scribe- math, science, and ELA non-writing items Text-to-Speech- math, science, and ELA non-reading passage items Accommodation Read Aloud- ELA reading passages Scribe- for ELA writing items Text-to-Speech- ELA reading passages Assessment Services

29 HELP!!! The Technology isn’t Working!!!!!
EMBEDDED NON-EMBEDDED Text-to-Speech Read Aloud Speech-to-Text Scribe Digital Notepad & Global Notes Scratch Paper see handout Assessment Services

30 Unlisted Resources Unlisted resources are not universal tools, designated supports, or accommodations; do NOT enter accommodations as unlisted resources Unlisted resources shall be made available if specified in the student’s IEP or 504 plan and only upon CDE approval Requests must be submitted to the CDE 10 days prior to testing If the CDE determines the unlisted resource changes the construct being measured, the student will not be counted as a participant for accountability purposes see page 16 of Matrix One Assessment Services

31 Identifying Accessibility Supports for Students

32 Identifying Accommodations for Students
For students who have IEP or Section 504 plans SAME Teams meet to determine student needs and select accessibility resources that match student needs for use in classroom and for assessment NEW Online tests have different audio, visual, motor, and processing demands that must be considered in selecting accessibility resources Accessibility resources are new, and educators will require training on the functionality of the new accessibility features Assessment Services

33 Identifying Designated Supports for Students
For students who will benefit from the use of designated supports NEW Process is needed to determine which students will receive designated supports The process is to address such access needs as: Attention issues Reading challenges Language supports  Assessment Services

34 Identifying Supports for Students
Teachers become familiar with the accessibility resources available Teachers identify students who will benefit from designated supports & submit to the Site Coordinator: English learners Students with attention difficulties Struggling readers Parents and students should be part of the decision making process Assessment Services

35 Identifying Supports for Students: Decisions should be based on the individual’s need
Assessment Services

36 Identifying Supports for Students Continued
Process for identifying and addressing student needs must be: Consistent Equitable Appropriate Effective Assessment Services

37 ISAAP Tool & Form

38 Individual Student Assessment Accessibility Profile (ISAAP)
ISAAP Tool = a macros-enabled Excel workbook that assists in assigning, collecting, and uploading test settings for a batch of students ISAAP Form = a document that assists in assigning, collecting, and entering test settings for one student at a time Assessment Services

39 ISAAP Tool The ISAAP Tool and training video is posted at Assessment Services

40 ISAAP Tool Continued Each tab of the worksheet is for a different student Select the designated support or accommodation from the drop-down menu Assessment Services

41 ISAAP Tool Continued After completing the information for each student: Select the [Report] tab to view all students’ accessibility profile data in a single view Click on the blue button and a file with the required fields will be generated and ready to upload to TOMS Assessment Services

42 ISAAP Form see handout Assessment Services

43 Uploading Settings to the Test Operations Management System (TOMS)

44 Using the TOMS Review student data
Assign designated supports & accommodations Submit unlisted resources Assessment Services

45 TOMS Reminders Only Site Coordinator (SCs) are authorized to enter designated supports, accommodations, and unlisted resources in TOMS Accommodations and unlisted resources only can be assigned to students showing a primary disability and/or 504 status indicating “Yes” on the demographics screen in TOMS All demographic data in TOMS is read-only Assessment Services

46 Entering Designated Supports & Accommodations in TOMS
Designated supports and accommodations must be entered at least 48 hours prior to testing There are three ways to enter designated supports and accommodations: One-by-one through the student profile Template upload Template upload via the ISAAP tool Assessment Services

47 TOMS Online Test Settings: Enter One-by-One
Assessment Services

48 TOMS Online Test Settings: Template Upload
Assessment Services

49 TOMS Online Test Settings Using the ISAAP Tool Upload
After producing the upload file from the ISAAP tool, upload it in TOMS Assessment Services

50 Unlisted Resources in TOMS
Online request must be submitted under the Unlisted Resources tab in TOMS Approval will be granted by the CDE Requires an IEP or 504 Plan Must be submitted 10 days prior to testing Assessment Services

51 Test Administration Reminders & the Student Interface

52 Test Administration: Verify Test Settings are Correct
Test Administrators (TAs) must verify that the students’ test settings are correct BEFORE approving the student for testing Provide the TA with list of test settings that have been indicated in TOMS for students Note: If a student’s test settings are incorrect, test administrator should not administer the test, contact the test site coordinator to correct the test settings in TOMS, and test the student at a later time. Assessment Services

53 Test Administration: Verify Test Settings are Correct Continued
Assessment Services

54 Test Administration- Scribes and Test Readers for Read Aloud
Must be an employee of SDUSD Has been trained in security protocols and has signed a security affidavit Familiar with the student, who is typically responsible for providing this support Should have extensive practice in scribing and/or reading test content aloud (use practice/training tests) Must review/read the Scribing Protocol or Guidelines for Read Aloud see handouts Assessment Services

55 Use the Practice/Training Tests or Interim Assessments
To help students become familiar with accessing and using the accessibility resources prior to the summative assessments To help determine if the accessibility resources identified for a student are effective Assessment Services

56 Student Interface & Accessing Tools
Banner- displays the current question number, test name, and [Help] button Questions drop-down list Help and volume button Global Menu- navigation and global test tool buttons Context Menu Assessment Services

57 Student Interface & Accessing Tools
EXAMPLES: Masking- access via Global Menu Text-to-Speech- access via Context Menu Assessment Services

58 Summary: Accessibility Resources
Identify student needs Match needs to available supports Evaluate effectiveness of supports Finalize support selections Use supports at classroom level Use Practice Tests and Interim Assessments Enter supports into TOMS Access Summative Assessments Consistent Equitable Appropriate Effective Assessment Services

59 Resources & Support Assessment Services

60 Resources & Support Accessibility Resources Video: 20 minute narrated PowerPoint describing each universal tool, designated support, and accommodation (covers slides 1-28) Videos of Embedded Resources: 30 second clips showing how to access the tools Assessment Services

61 Resources and Support
Erin Gordon Amal Morcos Assessment Services main line ITSS Help Desk HELP (4357) Assessment Services

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