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PHY138 – Waves, Lecture 4 Today’s overview

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1 PHY138 – Waves, Lecture 4 Today’s overview
Sound and Light Power and Intensity The Doppler Effect Medical Applications of Ultrasound

2 Reading Assignment Next week’s reading is Knight Chapter 21, Sections 21.1 – There is a pre-class quiz on for this material due on Monday morning. A Problem Set on Chapter 20 is due on Friday at 5:00PM.

3 Sound and Light Sound is a pressure wave in a gas, liquid or solid. Speed depends on material. Light is one type of electromagnetic wave. In a vacuum, all electromagnetic waves (including light) travel at c = 3×108 m/s. In transparent media, light slows down. Index of Refraction is n > 1. This reduces the wavelength, but does not change the frequency!

4 Reflection of Transverse Wave Pulse
(Chapter 21 concept.) A pulse traveling to the right on a heavy string attached to a lighter string Speed suddenly increases

5 Reflection of Transverse Wave Pulse
A pulse traveling to the right on a light string attached to a heavier string Speed suddenly decreases

6 Physics of Ultrasound Speed of sound in bone, flesh and blood are all different When the speed of any wave suddenly changes, there is a reflection and transmission Ultrasound images are formed from reflected high frequency sound Image resolution is set by wavelength, λ λ=v/f, so higher frequency yields smaller λ, and better resolution

7 Speed of sound in humans
Tissue Sound Speed (m/s) Air 350 Fat 1450 Brain 1540 Blood 1570 Bone 4080 Muscle 1585

8 Power and Intensity The Power, P, of any wave source is how much energy per second is radiated as waves [units = Watts] The Intensity, I, is the energy rate per area. This determines how loud (sound) or bright (light) the wave is. I=P/a, where a is an area perpendicular to the wave direction. At a distance r from a small source, the intensity is I=P/(4πr2)

9 Doppler Effect

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