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to Somerset Academy’s Open House! I am Mrs. Lisko and I am very delighted to be your child’s 3rd grade teacher. Together, we are.

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3 to Somerset Academy’s Open House!
I am Mrs. Lisko and I am very delighted to be your child’s 3rd grade teacher. Together, we are going to have a great school year!

4 Curriculum -The 3rd grade curriculum consists of English Language Arts (Reading), Math, Science, and Social Studies and Spanish. Our curriculum follows the Florida Standards, providing every child with a well-rounded education. -We will be utilizing “Journeys”, “Go Math” Mathematics Florida Standards, and “Science Fusion” textbooks/workbooks to supplement the curriculum. Along with the textbooks, we will also incorporate newspaper articles, magazines, and novels into their learning and enrichment.

5 Florida Standards Assessment (FSA)
-The Florida Standards Assessments (FSA) is the state exam which will assess students in English Language Arts(ELA) and Mathematics. -This test will provide a more authentic assessment of the Florida Standards, because it will include more than multiple choice questions. Students will be asked to create graphs, interact with test content and write and respond in different ways than on traditional tests. New question types will assess students’ higher-order thinking skills in keeping with the higher expectations of the Florida Standards. Assessment Dates: March 2 April 8th -Somerset FSA Tutoring Program- Registration will be before winter break and classes will commence in January.

6 Grades and Pinnacle 100% – 90% A 89% - 80% B 79% - 70% C 69% - 60% D
59% and below F -Pinnacle is our student database system. Parents will be able to access their child’s grades through this system. -We encourage parents to look at Pinnacle frequently (at least once a week) to check your child’s progress. Classwork/homework: % Assessments: % Projects: % Istation/technology: %

7 Schedule: 8:15-8:45 Morning Work 8:45-10:15 Reading/Language Arts
10:15-10:20 Snack/Bathroom 10:25-11:25 Math 11:25-12:00 Specials 12:05-12:35 Lunch 12:45-1:30 Science/Social Studies 1:30-2:00 Recess 2:00-2:20 SSR 2:20-2:30 Pack up 2:30 Dismissal

8 Schedule: Tuesdays: 8:15- 8:45 Morning Work 8:45-9:20 Special
9:30-11: Reading/Language Arts 10:00-12:00 Math (working snack) 12:05-12:35 Lunch 12:35 – 1: Science/SS 1:30-2: Recess 2:00-2: SSR

9 Specials Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday World Languages
Music (8:45-9:20) Art of Leadership S.T.E.M P.E.

10 Classroom Management -Rules -Rewards Groups Individuals
-Compliment System- “Marble-ous” Behavior

11 Planner -Planners are used daily and provide important information such as the year long calendar of school activities, Homework, Spelling/Vocabulary words and notes from school to home. -Reviewing & SIGNING the Planner nightly will give you an opportunity to check and discuss your child’s homework and progress. -Your child’s Planner will have the most current homework assignment ***Please sign your child’s Planner every night!***

12 Homework Homework is assigned daily and turned in the following day.
-Students should expect approximately one hour of homework daily in order to reinforce material covered and maintain their grades. -Your child will have regular subject content area homework Monday through Thursday, and occasionally on Friday. Homework will also be posted on my Web-Page on *Your child’s Planner will have the most current assignment.* -On Fridays, the new Spelling and Vocabulary words will be posted on my website. Students must copy down these words in their Planner to show on Monday. As well, each child must copy his/her Vocabulary words WITH THE DEFINITIONS into their Planner.

13 Homework Spelling & Vocabulary Homework Math Homework Reading
Students complete Spelling & Vocabulary assignments according to weekly words & definitions, and will be posted on my website weekly. Math Homework Students complete the assigned GO MATH workbook page(s) each night. Reading Reading worksheet. Also, it is required for students to read any age appropriate book or story of choice for 20 minutes every weeknight.


15 Importance of Multiplication Tables
-Starting with Chapter 3 in our Go Math! Series, the children will begin studying Multiplication. -The multiplication chapters will be followed by division and fractions chapters. -It is IMPERATIVE that students memorize their multiplication facts (0-12) by the BEGINNING OF OCTOBER, in order to fully comprehend and master the skills in the following chapters. -We, as a team, begin multiplication homework by the second week of school in order to prepare the children for the future chapters in our math series.

16 Tests Tests count for 45% of your child’s final average.
Reading/ ELA test will be at the end of each lesson, our assessments will include: Spelling, Vocabulary Definitions and Reading Comprehension. Math, Social Studies, and Science Tests will vary based on the length of the chapter. Please keep in mind, Reading, Social Studies and Science Tests are OPEN BOOK. (Students will receive study guides in Social Studies/Science, as they are not permitted to take text books home.)

17 Communication, Pinnacle & Friday Folder
Communication is an extremely important part of success for your child. I will provide weekly updates online through my Web-Page on Pinnacle is the best way to keep up to date with your child’s progress. We highly encourage that parents check Pinnacle every Friday and make it a routine (log-in information is available on my webpage) As well, Friday folders are sent home every Friday. Please review and keep all papers at home. If any papers need to be signed, please do so and return by Monday. It is my commitment to help your child succeed by establishing a strong school-home connection created through parent-teacher communication. Please be advised that I will begin conducting conferences in October. The best way to reach me is by . Please feel free to me at with any questions or concerns.

18 Parent Volunteer Hours
Parents must complete a total of 30 volunteer hours. These hours may be completed by helping out in the classroom or school, purchasing supplies for the class, volunteering for special events or projects, donating snacks, or chaperoning on field trips. Please keep in mind that parents are able to monitor and check their volunteer hours on-line.   1) Go onto: 2) Log in: ########## (student ID number) 3) Password: mm/dd/yyyy (student’s birthday) (*** slashes are required***)

19 Parent Volunteer Hours
Room Parent- any parent(s) interested in becoming a room parent for our class, please send me an . Duties will include decorating doors, participating in school events, organizing and communicating with class parents for special occasions, etc. Meet the Masters- any parent(s) who would like to volunteer for our Arts education program, please contact the front office. “Photo” Parent- any parent who would like to take charge of the pictures for our class and make the slideshow/CDs at the end of the year, please send me an .

20 Follow Somerset School Uniform Policy.
Uniforms Follow Somerset School Uniform Policy. Fridays: P.E. uniform Spirit Days - Students can wear their Green Spirit shirt and jeans. Dress Down Days – Students can dress down for $2 (Please check the school uniform policy on which attire is appropriate for dress down days).

21 Somerset Academy follows Broward County Schools Attendance Policy 5.5!
THIS MEANS EVERY MINUTE COUNTS, FROM ABSENCES, TARDINESS, AND EARLY SIGN OUTS. School begins at 8:3000 am. Students that arrive late to school must have parents sign them in the office and pick-up a late pass before walking to the classroom. Please be aware that your child is now in Building B and the walk is longer. For absences: Please provide a note explaining the reason for your child’s absence the day he or she returns to school. You may also call the hotline or Mrs. Gonzalez at If you are planning for a trip or special occasion, you must submit a letter and get prior approval. Failure to get pre-approval may result in unexcused absences on your child’s attendance record.

22 Dismissal Carpool pick-up is from 2:30 – 2:50 p.m. After 2:50, they will be sent to the Elementary Office and incur a late fee. Early Release Days – dismissal is at 12:30 p.m. If you are picking up your child from carpool: Please hang colored decal from your rearview mirror and make sure to include your child’s name using a dark marker. This will allow our carpool to run smoothly. Early Pick-up is not allowed after 2:00 P.M.

23 Reminders Lunch is $3.25; accounts are up and running.
At times, it is quite cold in the classrooms. Please send your child with a sweater to school if needed. Students are required to bring a chapter book daily if they complete their work and for D.E.A.R time. All payments will be made online. Checks will be allowed for Lunch accounts only. Once you have completed the form and paid online, please print and sign your confirmation receipt and send in. Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are now available on-line. Please visit our Somerset Academy Website, select the Parent Tab on the top to locate the document.

24 What’s Happening for Somerset Academy Classroom Web-Pages. Please create an account to receive updates regarding my webpage. Instructions will be provided on-line for your convenience. Educational Software: Think Central- Journeys, GO Math!, and Science Fusion iStation-    

25 What’s New for 2017-2018 New Specials: ​
 ​ World Languages (Ms. Caba)- Along with teaching Spanish, Ms. Caba will introduce the students to sign language ​ The Art of Leadership (Ms. Oliva): Ms. Oliva will be creating lessons about the 7 skills of leadership and incorporating art into the lesson.

26 Cafeteria Cafeteria Manager: Ms. Canete
ext Breakfast price: $1.50 Lunch price: $3.25 ALL PAYMENTS ARE MADE ONLINE! Monthly menus are available on our website. Free and Reduced Lunch-applications will be available in your child’s first day packet of information.

27 Lunch Application Families are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to complete a Lunch Application Form by September 29th (ONLY 1 FORM PER FAMILY) Part 1: List family members that live in the home Part 2: Complete if you receive State/Government Benefits. Must include case number and beneficiary’s name Part 3: ONLY include name of family member with income Part 3: Select Income Type and include Income Frequency Part 4: Complete personal date section, including Primary Income Provider’s Signature and last 4-digits of social security number Part 5: Choose Ethnicity & Race ONLY COMPLETE FRONT PAGE OF APPLICATION

28 Pinnacle Parent Login Directions
Username: Password: PMM/DD/YYYY (Date of Birth) Example: User: Password: P07/25/2001 (Date of Birth) ***Please be advised that Parent Pinnacle Access will be available after Labor Day (per the county). ***

29 Final Note I am truly excited to be teaching your child! I know that all children can learn and that it is a collaborative effort between the parents, teacher and student. I am committed to the success of your child and I hope to inspire and educate them. I know we will have a successful year!

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