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Make the most of Office 2013 Vincent Bippus IT/OIS October 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Make the most of Office 2013 Vincent Bippus IT/OIS October 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Make the most of Office 2013 Vincent Bippus IT/OIS October 2014
Welcome Here is the first part of 3 présentations. 13/10/2014

2 Overview Quick review of Office 2013 components How to install
Common features Specific features Where to save your files We will see a quick review of Office 2013 components and how to install those applications Then we will have a look on features which are common to different applications And some features which are specific. Finally we will see which possibilities you have to save your files. During demo don’t hesitate to stop me if I’m too quick. There will be some time dedicated to questions on the end of this one hour session. Is there some Mac only users ? 13/10/2014

3 Office 2013 components Access Excel Infopath Lync Access
Small databases or standalone applications Excel Spreadsheet Infopath Forms Lync Communicate and share with your colleagues 13/10/2014

4 Office 2013 components OneDrive for Business OneNote Outlook
PowerPoint OneDrive for Business : OneDrive for Business synchronises your files with a Sharepoint website, for example OneNote : take notes without post it ! Outlook : mail client and calendar PowerPoint : to make presentations 13/10/2014

5 Office 2013 components Project Visio Word Publisher
Publisher : publishing software Project: to plan projects Visio: to create diagrams Word: word processing 13/10/2014

6 How to install Office 2013 Office 2013 is installed by default on new computers Available as a CMF package Uninstall Office 2010 Install Office 2013 Visio and Project in separate packages Possibility to request some assistance to service desk 13/10/2014

7 Common features Interface is very similar to 2010 version
Some interesting features are common New start page with new templates Direct pictures correction Online application sharing with Lync Live alignment guide Online storage with OneDrive for Business Direct screenshot insertions Translation if you used Office 2010, you will immediately know how to use Office 2013. Some features were already available in 2010 like translation or direct screenshot insertion 13/10/2014

8 Common features DEMO 13/10/2014

9 Specific features Many interesting features PDF files editing
New read mode Resume reading when opening again 13/10/2014

10 Specific features Many interesting features Expand and collapse
New simple markup when tracking changes Reply to comment and mark them as done 13/10/2014

11 Specific features DEMO 13/10/2014

12 Specific features Some amazing new features
Fill out an entire column in a flash Create a PivotTable that suits your data Filter data by using slicers and timeline Remplissage Nom – Prénom sur feuille sales Créer pivot table avec slicers and timeline 13/10/2014

13 Specific features Instant data analysis
Recommended charts with richer data labels One workbook, one window Inquire add-in to compare files Onglet sum of profit : instant data analysis with blue graph Recommended chart, modify pie and labels Ouvrir compare1 et compare2: 2 fenêtres puis comparaison Bonus PowerView 13/10/2014

14 Specific features DEMO 13/10/2014

15 Specific features One year cache only Customize your inbox
Quick access to unread mails One year cache only can be changed up to all 13/10/2014

16 Specific features Weather Quick calendar view Lync integration
Social picture integration 13/10/2014

17 Specific features DEMO 13/10/2014

18 Specific features A good alternative to post it !
A clear way to organize any kind of notes Outlook linked Able to sync with OneDrive for Business 13/10/2014

19 Specific features DEMO 13/10/2014

20 Specific features New application and website
OneDrive for business is not OneDrive Easy way to share information Web Apps Just a few steps to configure it 13/10/2014

21 Specific features DEMO 13/10/2014

22 Where to save your files
Saving locations By default : Documents Desktop OneDrive for Business Currently you have the choice between DFS using your standard Documents library and OneDrive for Business. 13/10/2014

23 Conclusion Easy to install Interface very close to 2010 version
Interesting new features Makes collaborative work easier 13/10/2014

24 Links for more information
What’s new in Office What’s new in Word What’s new in Excel What’s new in Outlook What’s new in OneNote 13/10/2014

25 Questions?

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