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Date: 10/27/16 Topic: Mechanisms of Evolution Page # ___

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1 Date: 10/27/16 Topic: Mechanisms of Evolution Page # ___ Must wear uniforms/IDs! 10/27/16 EBHS Admit Slip Name one species that has changed over time (evolved) and explain how/why.

2 MCAS Open Response Practice
Natural Selection MCAS Open Response Practice

3 Who discovered natural selection?
*Charles Darwin *Known as the “Father of Evolution” Was going to be a preacher (priest) But then he was asked to go on a voyage…

4 Maiden Voyage… Great Britain was hoping to discover more lands to make their own Government invited Charles Darwin (a naturalist) to go on a mission to learn about a new set of islands Travelled on the HMS Beagle (ship) To visit the Galapagos Islands

5 Amazing Finds… Darwin was amazed to discover some creatures that lived no where else in the world An entire group of unique species that only lived on the Galapagos islands He stayed for a long time to study them

6 Most famous of the species?
Finch? Sparrow? Woodpecker? Warbler? Most famous of the species? Anyone know? The birds! On each island he found all these different birds, with different colors, shapes, and sizes They ate different food depending on the size/shape of their beak

7 Through research, he made an amazing discovery…
All the birds were FINCHES Even though they looked so different, they were all related Each island had a different type of finch Only one type of finch on the mainland. So what happened??

8 1 Finch  13 Finches This was the first evidence of evolution (change in a population over time) What started as 1 species of finch ended up as 13 different species, based on the environment of the island

9 Why is this evidence of evolution through natural selection?
Think-Pair-Share Why is this evidence of evolution through natural selection? Talk with a partner for 5 minutes, write answer in your journal, and get ready to share your answer with the class Use your HW notes to help you.

10 Evolution on the Galapagos

11 Mechanisms of Evolution
Mutation Gene Flow Genetic Drift Bottleneck Effect Founder Effect Natural Selection Geographic Isolation

12 Mechanisms of Evolution: Posters
Make mini poster for assigned mechanism Title, definition, picture Will complete gallery walk to add to our notes

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