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Lincoln Elementary School: Parent Presentation

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1 Lincoln Elementary School: Parent Presentation
Jamie Simon February 24, 2014 ECE497: Child Development Capstone Course Professor Jennifer Zaur


3 Objectives Brief explanation of the period of development in Elementary What my role as an educator means to your child A look into the Mesosystem of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System Theory Ways that we connect home and school

4 Elementary years… Elementary is a developmental period defined by child rearing. A child is in-between toddlerhood and adolescence. They are learning their independence from their families and are understanding their place in the world. The search for identity has begun but not in depth- as this will take place in adolescence. (

5 As an educator Schools are one of the first places where kid’s behavior and future educational success is shaped. The first years of school are very critical as kids learn the base of their educational life. As an educator it is my goal to help your child receive the proper educational experience that allows the child to prepare and be able to live a successful life. I work side by side with families to ensure educational requirements are being fulfilled at work an school Communication is a two way process as families can share there experiences and teachers can share theirs. This will help the two come together and help the child reach high academic goals at their highest level of potential. I am a mentor to help guide students who may steer left as well as keep students on the right path. I show respect in order to receive respect I am a role model. I am a direct reflection of the students. I am a facilitator that instructs students with the proper learning material that is developmentally appropriate to their age, cognitive ability, and learning style.

6 rationale The right to an education is for all. By law in the United States must attend school. School is typically from the 1st grade to the 12th grade, different states require a child to attend pre-k and/or kindergarten. A typical school day is 8 to 9 hrs. By the time a child commutes to and from home10-11 hrs have already passed. A child usually sleeps 8-10 hrs. From this you can see that a child spends a great deal of time during the week with educators versus at home interacting with parents. This is why the role of an educator is very demanding. An educator has to take on mentoring, liasion between school and home, as well as educating roles to ensure a child’s success.

7 Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System (Mesosytems)
BACKGROUND Mesosystem Brofendrenner’s ecological system theory was based on the belief that a child’s development is an intertwine amongst their environmental factors. Environmental factors were based on five different levels. These levels were determined on the greatest impact to the least. The first level was the Microsystem which included family, school, and community as separate entities. The Mesosystem was the next level and it showed the relationship amongst the separate entities in the microsystem. The mesosystem looks at how these factors interact.

8 Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological System (Mesosytems) A closer look…
A child grows up in a less fortunate community. Their family falls in a low socioeconomic status. This community can not produce a school that has the educational material that these students need and deserve to get the proper educational experience due to low funding from being in a poor neighborhood. In turn the child has to go to this school and learn from this material that does not meet the standards to help them achieve academics at their highest potential. The parents must work closer with their children to make sure they receive and are able to get the necessary educational material to help them achieve high academic goals.

9 School involvement

10 Parenting Parents should be involved with their child’s education. Showing interest in your child’s school works helps them better appreciate the school environment If you have a hectic schedule and can not seem to find time to fit in sitting down with your children for school work we have resources to help with time management. 15 minutes a day is better than none. Other helpful tips on ways parents can interact with their children for educational purposes can be found on our school’s website

11 Communication Communication is key is a statement that is very standard to a great deal of subjects. School and home is an area where the statement communication is key should be the standard. With an open communication line educators and parents can stay up to par on what is going on at school as well as what is going on at home This will help a student be well understood Without knowing about some struggles a child may be experiencing a teacher may put to much on a child and the child may get a bit overwhelmed. This can in turn greatly impact a child’s work efforts and success in school.

12 Communication continued…
What we can do? Parent Teacher conferences. If at any time a parent feels the need to have a parent teacher conference they can schedule one This works vice versa with teachers. Mandatory Parent-Teacher conferences will be conducted every 9 weeks. This will keep parents up to date on their child’s progressions as well as allow them to offer input. The school’s website can be utilized as an open communicator with a teacher by simply finding the teacher and sending a message through the website to their SMS messaging The school website can also be used to see the student’s portfolio. Language barriers are not an issue as we offer translator services.

13 volunteering Volunteering at your child’s school is another way to be involved with the student’s educational environment. Active participation further encourages the child to enjoy learning. Joining our PTA can assist with this! Can’t make the meeting. That’s ok. You can still participate as the school’s website has live streaming as well as notes posted in blog form so parents who can not be there physically can still participate.

14 Learning at home The classroom can further be extended through reiteration from the parent at home. Lesson plans for the week can be found on the school’s website under the teacher’s page. There are also activities that further extend the plan that can be accessed. Lesson plans can also be seen in the weekly class newsletter along with activities.

15 Decision making Parents are ALWAYS welcomed to provide input on ways to improve the school. With such a diverse school it is very beneficial for parents to include suggestions in the suggestion box that furthers student’s awareness to the multitude of cultures. Suggestions can be placed in the suggestion boxes located throughout the school.

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