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Teknologi Dan Rekayasa

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1 Teknologi Dan Rekayasa
Kompetensi Keahlian Analisis Kimia

2 Analysis of Chemical Parameter
SMK Negeri 13 Bandung

3 Ferrous and Manganese SMK Negeri 13 Bandung

4 Objectives After this session, the students are expected to be able :
to explain the steps of determination of ferrous and manganese to explain the objectives of every step to explain the function of reagents to conduct the determination of ferrous and manganese to do the calculation in the determination of ferrous and manganese to arrange the report of the determination of ferrous and manganese Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Ferrous in water Ferrous in water presence in two form, such as:
- Fe2+ , dissolved in water (caused colourless through water) - Fe3+ not dissolved in water  caused turbidity in water (dissolved at pH < 5) Generally in many groundwater ferrous is formed in Fe2+while in the upper formed in Fe3+ Ferrous in difference formed (ferro/ferri) because presence of iron microorganism Major of ferrous percentage cause: 1. Spot on the cloth, paper and tools 2. Tested of metal in water 3. Smell not good

6 Determination of Ferrous
Ferrous is determine by colorimetri, stable high ( Nessler tube & komparator) Determined as total ferrous, formed as Fe3+ Colured reactant is KSCN Princip : Ferrous in water is determined as total ferrous formed as Fe3+, Fe2+ oxidize to Fe3+, Fe3+ with KSCN formed yellow-reddish substance Fe(SCN)3 Compare the formation of colour with standar Note : If the percentage of ferrous is high, method of determination by: Titrimetric or gravimetric

7 Determination of Ferrous
Preparation of Fe 3+ stock solution 100 ppm Tawas Ferri Making of standard measurement 0,1 – 0,5 ppm In Nessler tube Sample preparation : (max. Fe 0,5 ppm) Put 100 mL sample in to Erlenmeyer flask Add H2SO4 + Br2, heat until the colour of Br2 is disappear Let it cool and put in to Nessler tube Add H2SO4 and KSCN to sample and standard

8 Calculation (Fe dalam mg/L)
Method: colorimetri with different high  Same of colour intensity point to the same concentration According Lambert-Beer’s law A1 = A2 1.b1.c1 = 2.b2.c2 1= 2 , maka : b1.c1 = b2.c2 If : 1 standard, 2 sample, so : b1.c1 c2 = b2

9 Manganese in water Manganese is found in 2 form,such as
- Mn2+, soluble in water (cause colourless water) - Mn4+ not soluble in water (MnO2)  cause turbidity in water Manganese generally in groundwater is found as Mn2+ while in upper formed as MnO2 In water with a high level of Manganese cause : 1. Spot on clot, paper and tools (> 0,5 ppm) 2. Tested of metal in water 3. Smell not good 4. High concentration may caused toxic

10 Determination of Manganese
Manganese determined colorimetric method, stable high ( Nessler tube & comparator) Determined as total Mn, in formation as KMnO4 Princip : Oxidation of Manganese in water by persulfat in acid condition to permanganate reddish-purple. Compare the colour with standard Reaction : 2Mn S2O H2O  2MnO SO H+

11 Determination of Manganese
Preparation stock KMnO4 solution 100 ppm Making standard measurement 0,1 – 0,5 ppm In to Nessler tube Preparation of sample : Put 100 mL sample in to Erlenmeyer flask Add HNO3 8N and AgNO3 5%  filtration Heat the filtrate + K2S2O8 200 mg, boil for 5 minute Compare the colour with the colour of standard

12 Calculation (Mn, mg/L) Method: colorimetric different high
 Same of colour intensity point to the same concentration According Lambert-Beer’s law A1 = A2 1.b1.c1 = 2.b2.c2 1= 2 , so : b1.c1 = b2.c2 If : 1 standar, 2 sample, so : b1.c1 c2 = b2

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