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Frightening nature 10 Unit.

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1 Frightening nature 10 Unit

2 what natural disasters have you heard of?
earthquake snow slide tornado fire flood mudflow typhoon volcano sandstorm


4 fire

5 typhoon

6 Snow slide

7 mudflow

8 volcano

9 Sandstorm

10 tornado

11 flood


13 tsunami

14 Asia Tsunami :15:11 December 27, One of the most powerful earthquakes in history hit Asia on Sunday, unleashing a tidal wave which devastated coastal areas of Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia and tourist isles in Thailand, killing tens of thousands of people.

15 How does nature form a danger to people in the world and how can science help reduce that threat?
Nature forms a threat to people because it destroys houses, crops, roads and communication lines and is a danger to our lives. Science can help us predict, give us knowledge so we can prepare for it, and protect or even save people from disasters.

16 Volcanoes & Earthquakes
Words describing Volcanoes & Earthquakes Volcanoes& Earthquakes Bad weather: Hurricanes &Typhoons Words used in both destruction, fire, heat, quake, shake, break, mountain, steam, flow,scal of Richter, roar,etc. storm, rain, wind speed,clouds, waves, blow away, fall, sky, sweep away, thunder, lightning, etc. disaster, rescue, safety measures, predict, prevent, injury, terrible, unexpected, power, fear, grief, hospital, ambulance, doctor, scientist, etc.

17 No.100F Yes. 68-72F Yes.89F No. 68-72F Yes. 100F Yes. 76 F
2. Listen to the tape again and write the information you hear on the map of the USA. In which areas is rain expected? If rain is expected, write Yes. If not, write No. Write down how high the temperatures will be on Tuesday in different parts of the USA. No.100F Yes F Yes.89F No F Yes. 100F Yes. 76 F

18 What is the listening text about?
Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: What is the listening text about? The listening is about the weather in the USA. 2 .What do we call this type of radio message? A weather forecast.

19 1.How should you prepare for the day if you go fishing in the Great Lakes region?
You would have to bring warm clothes but not too warm; you may still need to take a raincoat or at least an umbrella, although you may not need them. 2. In which part of the USA should car drives be careful? All along the northeastern coast from the northeast to the South, roads may become dangerous with rain. Wet snow and strong winds.

20 3. What happens when a hurricane hits the coast?
If a hurricane hits the coast it can be a real disaster. 4. Which letter would the name for the sixth hurricane in 2005 begin with? The name of the sixth hurricane could begin with the letter “F” eg Flora or Frank.

21 speaking Page 74, Speaking. Read the dialogue and answer
the following questions: 1 What happened in the typhoon ? 2 What else do you know will happen in a typhoon? 3 What was people’s emotion? 4 What do you think happens in a hurricane, a volcano , an earthquake ,SARS and bird flu?

22 Talk with your partners about the following pictures
and make a similar dialogue. Tell him or her whether these things or situations frighten you and explain why. Also, talk about people’s emotion in these situations and how you think they would behave. Use the useful expressions to help you. Useful expressions How terrible! It makes me feel worried. I dare not… I am afraid of… He gets into a total panic when… I’m frightened to death by… It makes my hair stand on end I’m really frightened to… It makes me feel uneasy when… What’s really scary is… She’s scared to death What terrifies me is… It’s an unpleasant/a frightening thing. I get very upset.


24 Student A You are planning to go on A holiday in Southeast Asia, but a few weeks before you go, you hear about a dangerous illness there, for example, SARS, for which there is no cure. Student B You know about the illness but think you can take your friend’s worries away. There is no cure, but you know that the illness does not spread by air and that if you often wash your hands, the risk of getting it is small. Student A You hear your classmate crying in the dark and ask what is wrong. Hearing that he/she is afraid of the thunder outside, you try to make him/her feel more comfortable so that both of you can go back to sleep. Student B It is a dark night with storm and rain and you are waken up by the thunder. You are afraid the lightning will strike the house and can’t sleep any more.

25 Homework: Make a dialogue about a disaster. It should include the following: What was it like? What happened? What was people’s emotion and what about yours? What safety measures should be taken?

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