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Article the, a and zero-article

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1 Article the, a and zero-article
Kanepi Gymnasium Form 11 Tuuli Muistna 2013

2 Introducion When we use the article “the”?
When we use the article a/an? When we not use the article- zero article? Exercise References

3 Article “the” when country is considered a collection of states, contains the word state and with group of countries: the UK, the Irish Republic, the European Union, the Netherlands With watery places (rivers, seas, canals): the Võhandu, the Mediterranean NB! Lake, park and street names don´t take the article: Lake Peipsi, Lake Jõksi, Central Park, Oxford Street

4 Article “the” With island groups and mountain ranges:
the Seychelles, the Alps With deserts: the Sahara With ships and British newspapers: the Wasa Queen, the Titanic, the Sun, the Times Square of- phrases: the Tower of London

5 Article “the” for nationalities: the English, the Germans, the Dutch
Only of a particular thing: the rain, the sun, the wind, the White House Define or identify a particular person or object: The man who wrote this book is famous. My house is the one with a blue door.

6 Article a/an Use 'a' with nouns starting with a consonant (kaashäälikud) 'an' with nouns starting with a vowel (täishäälikud) a boy an aunt a school an old school a girl an American girl

7 Article a/an before phrases of time and measurements:
We have English 4 times a week. Tomatoes are $2 a kilo. with names of jobs: John is a doctor. She wants to be a dancer. with nationalities and religions: John is an Englishman. Kate is a Catholic.

8 Article a/an with musical instruments:
She was playing a violin when the visitor arrived. with names of days: I was born on a Thursday. to refer to a kind of, or example of something: It was a very strange car.

9 Article a/an meaning 'one', referring to a single object or person:
I'd like an orange and two lemons please. The burglar took a diamond necklace and a valuable painting. with a noun complement: He is a good boy. half/quite: half a pound of sugar, quite a good story

10 Zero article names of persons on the singular, relatives:
Peter and John live in London. Aunt Mary lives in Los Angeles. Public buildings, institutions, transport: Mandy doesn´t like school. We go to school by bus. Some people go to church on Sundays.

11 Zero article names of countries in the singular; summits of mountains; continents; towns: Germany, France; Mount Whitney, Mount McKinley; Africa, Europe; Cairo, New York single islands: Corfu, Bermuda, Sicily

12 Zero article parks; lakes; streets: Central Park, Hyde Park;
Lake Michigan, 42nd Street, Oxford Street

13 Exercise Choose the correct article: "the", "a", "an" or "x":
1. I bought … pair of shoes. 2. Do you still live in … Bristol? 3. … price of gas keeps rising. 4. I think … man over there is friendly. 5. Juan is … Spanish. 6. I read … amazing story yesterday. 7. I would like … piece of cake. 8. … Mount Everest is ... highest mountain on earth.

14 Answers 1. I bought a pair of shoes.
2. Do you still live in X Bristol? 3. The price of gas keeps rising. 4. I think the man over there is friendly. 5. Juan is X Spanish. 6. I read an amazing story yesterday. 7. I would like a piece of cake. 8. X Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth.

15 References he2.htm nite_article.php /Grammar%3B%20the%20definite%20 article

16 Thank you! :)

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