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Technology Supports for Veterans: School to Work

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1 Technology Supports for Veterans: School to Work
Shannon Lavey, MS, OTR/L Anna Walker, MOT, OTR/L Assistive Technology Resource Center 10/25/2016

2 Objectives Overview of ATRC services
Common mainstream and assistive technology supports for veterans Student setting Employment setting Transition Process Funding Case studies Anna

3 Assistive Technology Resource Center (ATRC)
What we do: the ATRC ensures equal access to technology and electronic information for CSU students and employees with disabilities. Services include assistive technology (AT) assessments and training, as well as consultation and education regarding accessibility and universal design of mainstream and instructional technologies. Our referrals come primarily from the CSU office called Resources for Disabled Students. Just as RDS is seeing an increase in veterans with disabilities seeking services, so too is the ATRC. We have greatly enjoyed working with the veterans and are continually learning and improving our services to better meet their needs.

4 ATRC Services Direct Services to Students and CSU Employees
Assistive technology/ technology Assessments Accommodations Training Equipment Loans Resources Electronic Accessibility Consultation - regarding universal design and accessible technology/information Faculty Resources – for creating accessible course materials Direct services: students and employees referred to us through RDS or other organization on campus such as campus health center Electronic Accessibility: This simply means that information is usable by people with a wide range of abilities. We are working with other organizations on campus to develop campus-wide accessibility standards for electronic materials to ensure electronic information is usable by students and employees with disabilities. Consultation: We consult with CSU departments to create accessible department materials, provide information on UDL and ergonomic consultations Faculty Resources: We are currently developing resources that faculty can use to make their classroom materials, including the new RAMCT blackboard, accessible

5 Reading Supports Challenges Solutions Student setting
Processing info Keeping up with large amounts of content General comprehension Student setting Textbooks readings Online readings Employment setting s Reading reports Solutions Mainstream apps Text to Speech Annotation Speed Reading Audio books AT Software Literacy Support Text to speech Challenges and solutions that tend to help student veterans in common academic areas Start with reading…processing info and keeping up with large amount of content, slow reading speed, lack of comp/retaining info, having to re-read –takes even more time

6 Writing Supports Challenges: Solutions: Student setting
Accurate proofreading Grammar & spelling Generating and structuring content Pain while typing or writing Student setting Papers s Employment setting Paperwork Solutions: Mainstream apps Mind mapping Voice recognition Spelling and Grammar Checkers AT Software Literacy Support Voice Recognition Spelling and Grammar Checker challenges: difficulty proofreading and with spelling/grammar, hard time initiating, coming up with ideas, and structuring paper

7 Note-taking Supports Challenges: Solutions: Student setting:
Keeping pace with lots of content Auditory processing challenges Multi-tasking Filtering background noise/ ambient issues Student setting: Lecture halls Study groups Employment setting: Meetings Interviews Solutions: Mainstream Livescribe Pens One Note Digital Recorders Apps Note taking Voice recorders Challenges – keeping up with content, not missing info, difficulty multitasking, getting distracted by noise, people, etc

8 Executive Functioning Supports
Challenges Managing schedules Time management Organization Memory considerations – deadlines, etc. Student Setting Class schedules Managing school work and life Employment Setting Work schedule Meetings Prioritizing projects Solutions Mainstream apps Calendars To do lists Task managers Reminders Password managers Remembering names Notes to self planning, attending, organizing, memory Challenges – managing course/assignment schedules, prioritizing/time mgmt. with school and personal life, organizing notes, reading, papers, assignments, memory – due dates, appointments, other tasks that need to be completed

9 Health and Well-Being Supports
Mainstream apps Relaxation Meditation Mood Tracker Breathing Techniques Fitness Trackers Sleep Trackers Challenges Anxiety Stress Pressure No sleep Student Setting Assignment deadlines Presentations Exams Employment Setting Presenting to groups Responsibilities and duties

10 Other Supports Accessing needed equipment Viewing required material
Computers Printers Telephone Viewing required material Print Electronic Communication TBI, chronic pain, amputation, SCI – using equipment – modifications Intuitive use

11 Transition Process Transition Knowing Rights Obtaining Technology
Free and Low Cost Technology Options School-to-Work Transition Handout Pilot Project Shannon Ideas Funding sources, etc

12 Funding Sources Funding Options Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) – VA
Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) AT Funding Sources -AT Funding Source Website

13 Dan’s Story Social Work Major Busy Family life
Army for 30 years – Infantry branch Connected with ATRC, RDS, ALVS, New Start Volunteer work with hospice PTS, Tinnitus

14 Technology Supports for Dan
Livescribe Echo Pen Literacy Support Software– Kurzweil 3000 Textbooks in digital format (PDF) Mind Mapping/Brainstorming software Ginger Spelling and Grammar Checker Evernote app Morgan Library AT Rooms

15 Dan’s Transition to Work
Graduated with MSW Provided with free resources for reading and writing support Works in Hospice Care as a Social Worker Livescribe pen for meetings – funded by the VA Continues to use brainstorming strategies “ATRC resources were absolutely awesome and were a life saver, even during the toughest days. They helped me finish my education and were instrumental in building my confidence to move forward.” -Dan

16 Justin’s Story Early Childhood Education Major Busy Family life
Army for 20 years – Infantry Connected with ATRC, RDS, New Start, ALVS Back pain, Carpal Tunnel and other cumulative trauma, hearing loss, PTS

17 Technology Supports for Justin
Ergonomic Equipment Voice Recognition – Dragon Text to Speech Software Livescribe Echo Pen iPad apps Shared calendar with family Computer Phone

18 Justin – Transition to the Workplace
Graduated 2015 Recommendation letter for technology written to the VA Able to obtain funding for technology Ergonomic equipment Voice Recognition - Dragon Works at Poudre School District Uses ergo equipment and Dragon

19 Resources ATRC Website www.atrc.
ADA Nation Network Website JAN Website CSU Career Center Website Colorado DVR Website AT Finder Website AT Funding Source Website

20 Any Questions? Thank you!

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