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Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity

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Presentation on theme: "Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity
Schedule: Monday – Group Assignments, Assignment Explanation, Work Time Tuesday– Work Time in the Library Wednesday – Work Time in the Library Thursday- Work Time in the Library Friday– Work Time in the Library Monday, August 22 - Presentations

2 Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity
Task 1: You and 99 other students have survived a plane crash that has killed all of the adults and completely destroyed the plane so that there is NOTHING salvageable from it. Make a priority list, starting with the most important tasks, of what should be done. You must have at least FIVE tasks on your list.

3 Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity
Task 2: Develop a list of "Ten Commandments" or basic rules for the survivors of the crash.

4 Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity
Task 3: Make a list of consequences that would be invoked against any who break your rules. You should have a variety of consequences that escalate with the severity and/or frequency of breaking the rules. Also include valid reasons for the proposed consequences.

5 Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity
Task 4: Devise an effective system of government or administration that will be implemented for the survivors of the crash until you are rescued. Assume that about 20% of the survivors are age 15-17,20% age 10-14, and 60% are under the age of 10.

6 Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity
You will present your ideas as a group. Every group member will have a speaking part in the presentation. Make your presentations energetic, creative, and informative. Use visuals such as posters or the whiteboard. You are encouraged to use media such as PowerPoint or Prezi. These are not required, but can certainly aid in your presentation’s effectiveness.

7 Lord of the Flies pre-reading group activity
Your presentation should last 3-5 minutes. We will allow a few minutes after your presentation for questions from the rest of the class. Be ready to defend some of your ideas!

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