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Welcome Parents! Honors English 10 Mrs. Patterson

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Parents! Honors English 10 Mrs. Patterson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Parents! 2017-2018 Honors English 10 Mrs. Patterson

2 Background Experience in Education Educational Philosophy

3 Website Tools The syllabus and other helpful tools are located on my webpage at: You may sign up for e-blasts to receive a notification each time I update my website, or check my blog, which will be updated each week with links and attachments.

4 Required Material for Students
Students will need to following supplies every day: A binder (shared with other classes) with four dividers (Vocab, Reading, Grammar, and Language) College-ruled, lined, notebook paper (3-hole punched) Pencils and pens (blue/black and dark color of student’s choice for editing) Three different colored highlighters Flash drive or Google Drive account It is highly encouraged that your child purchase novels so that he/she may annotate as needed for assignments and assessments.

5 Novel Studies 1st Quarter: 3rd Quarter: Of Mice and Men - Antigone
Frankenstein - A Tale of Two Cities 2nd Quarter: 4th Quarter: Othello (acted out with props) - Rhetorical Analysis in place Oedipus of a novel study - The Book Thief All ISBN numbers are located on my syllabus Summer Read: Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell Essay is due the third week of school on that Friday, August 11th

6 Additional Information
Set tutoring time is on Mondays from 2:36 until 3:15; however, students may see me any other time so long as they make an appointment with me ahead of time in person or via . Please feel free to contact me anytime with questions or concerns. s are best: The first homework assignment will be given on Tuesday for our first Socratic Seminar/TED talk Wish List: sticky notes (I live by these) are always greatly appreciated!  Kleenex is also greatly appreciated when we run out in class. And, of course, large bottles of hand sanitizer!


8 I look forward to an amazing, fun, thought-provoking year together!
Thank you for coming! I look forward to an amazing, fun, thought-provoking year together!

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