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Weak Acid – Strong Base Titration

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Presentation on theme: "Weak Acid – Strong Base Titration"— Presentation transcript:

1 Weak Acid – Strong Base Titration

2 The Parts of a Titration Curve

3 Weak Acid Before Stong Base is Added
HA  H+ + A- HA A OH-

4 Stong Base is Added to the Weak Acid
-or- Buffer HA A OH-

5 The Endpoint is Reached
At Equivalence … moles HA initial moles base added moles salt formed CAUTION: Concentration is Moles/Liter Salt of a SB and WA HA A OH-

6 Beyond the Endpoint The Strong Base is Now Present
CAUTION: Concentration is Moles/Liter The Strong Base is Now Present HA A OH-

7 Finally … A Special Point
Look at the equation for a buffer pKa If mol A- formed is equal to mol HA remaining … Halfway to the Endpoint Therefore Ka =[H+] pKa = pH HA A OH-

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