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Chris Adolphsen Sergei Nagaitsev

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1 Chris Adolphsen Sergei Nagaitsev
Main Linac RF Systems Chris Adolphsen Sergei Nagaitsev Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

2 WBS 3.8 and 5.8 R&D, Infrastructure and Test Facilities
Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

3 Modulators Goal: Down select ILC modulator design by FY07-Q3 and have industry build six units: five for long term test at ESA and one for use at FNAL in FY09 for ILCTA. Candidates Baseline designs at DESY (PPT, ABB, FUG, Poynting), KEK (Nichicon) and FNAL(FNAL,SLAC) SLAC Marx Generator First Prototype in early FY07 Build two DFM versions by early FY08 DTI Direct Switch Modulator Expect delivery to SLAC in early CY07 DTI Marx Generator SBIR funded – expect sometime in CY08 Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

4 Modulators (cont) Infrastructure/Testing
RF Test Stands at FNAL,DESY and KEK Generally run at less than max power for cryomodule operation. SLAC ESB Two new dedicated test stands in FY07 capable of 24/7 operation Evaluate Marx and DTI modulators in FY07 Test two down-selected designs in FY08 SLAC ESA Run five new test stands 24/7 in FY09 with industry built modulators FNAL ILCTA Run three cryomodules with industry built modulator in FY09 Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

5 Klystrons Goal: Down select klystron design by end of FY08 and have industry build six units: five for long term test at ESA and one for use at FNAL in FY09 for ILCTA Candidates Baseline 10 MW MBK DESY Thales: 4 vertical tubes tested (none robust) and 4 in pipeline CPI: 1 vertical tube tested at DESY – low efficiency Toshiba: 1 vertical tube test at DESY – OK with 200 hrs operation Request for bids out by DESY for ~ 3 horizontal tubes SLAC Buy 2nd generation vertical tubes from Toshiba and CPI in FY07 SLAC 10 MW Sheet Beam Klystron Design well along – build two generations of tubes in FY07-08 Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

6 Klystrons (cont) Infrastructure/Testing
RF Test Stands at FNAL,DESY and KEK Generally run at less than max power for cryomodule operation. SLAC ESB Two new dedicated test stands in FY07 capable of 24/7 operation Evaluate Toshiba & CPI MBKs and SLAC SBKs in FY07/08 SLAC ESA Run five new test stands 24/7 starting in FY09 with industry built klystrons. FNAL ILCTA Run three cryomodules with industry built klystron in late FY09 Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

7 RF Distribution Goal: Develop low cost, efficient and agile distribution system - have three, 8-cavity systems in operation at FNAL in FY09 Changes being considered to baseline Add adjustable tap-offs to maximize cavity gradients Feed cavities in pairs via 3 dB hybrids to eliminate circulators Use simpler phase shifters in place of three stub tuners Use WR770 in place of WR650 for long waveguide runs Weld Al waveguide in-situ instead of using flanges Testing Evolve design and provide FNAL one per year in FY07, 08 and 09. First two will have optional circulators to allow beam operation with nl spacing of the cavities in the cryomodules. Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

8 Couplers Goals: Understand processing limitations and evaluate surface contamination Clean, bake, assemble and rf process coupler pairs for FNAL cavities Revaluate TTF3 and other designs to reduce manufacturing cost Program (collaboration of SLAC/LLNL/FNAL/Orsay) FY07 RF process coupler parts Build class 10 clean room in B006 and do surface contamination studies Assemble and rf process 12 CPI couplers bought by FN FY08-09 Supply up to 32 couplers per year for FNAL cavities Revaluate coupler dimensional tolerances and assembly techniques and produce low cost versions. Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

9 RF Unit Test Goal: Assemble RF system at ILCTA in FY09 with as many industry built, ILC-ready components as possible to serve as a TDR model. At ILCTA, power three cryomodules with rf system having High efficiency, high power factor charging supply 120 kV, 130 A, 2.1 ms, 5 Hz modulator 10 MW, 65% efficient klystron Low loss rf distribution system with adjustable tap-offs High power couplers with adjustable Qext Control system with interface to HA LLRF system and modulator/klystron interlocks. ILC-like cooling system for klystron and racks Operate accelerator with ILC-like bunch trains for few thousand hours. Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

10 Warm Injector Structures
Goal: Verify that both the SW and TW structure designs for the warm injectors meet performance requirements FY07 at NLCTA Test half-length version of 11 cell SW structure (positron capture cavity) to 15 MV/m in a 0.5 T field using 1 ms, 5 MW pulses at 5 Hz. FY08-09 at NLCTA Test half-length version of 4.6 m TW structure (e+, e- accelerators) to 8 MV/m using 1 ms, 10 MW pulses at 5 Hz. Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

11 Linac Quad/BPM Goal: Build quad and cavity bpm that meet requirements for the beam-based quad alignment in the linacs. FY06 at ESA Tested half aperture S-band cavity bpm that achieved ILC resolution requirements – currently evaluating calibration stability FY07 Test magnetic center stability of a prototype cos(2f) SC linac quad SLAC/FNAL collaborate to build superferric quads (will likely reduce quad diameter) - test at SLAC FY08-09 Assemble quad and bpm package for inclusion in ILCTA and perform quad shunting tests with beam. Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

12 Schedule Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

13 Schedule (cont) Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

14 WBS 2.8 and 4.8 Design and Engineering
Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

15 RF System Integration Goal: Complete TDR engineering design of the rf system integrated with the other systems in the beam and service tunnels Interface with CF&S Group to finalize Electrical connections and line loading specifications Cooling connections and water flow and temperature stability requirements Rack and RF component layouts Interface with the Installation Group to Design equipment and procedures to install components Develop installation schedule and component check out scheme Interface with Controls Group to Provide high level interface to interlock and LLRF system Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

16 Linac Quad Package Goal: Engineer quad, bpm, corrector, beam scraper package for TDR In FY09, finalize package layout wrt Installing quad/bpm/correctors in separate cyrosection Stray magnetic fields Cooling scheme for power leads Power and signal connections Beam scrapers BPM alignment and calibration requirements Use of correctors versus quad movers Minimizing heat loads Installation in a clean environment Main Linac RF Systems 9/13/06

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