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Facespace, Instachat, Tweetbook, and more…..

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1 Facespace, Instachat, Tweetbook, and more…..
Social Media Facespace, Instachat, Tweetbook, and more….. Mid-Winter Conference Training 2017

2 Jason “Too School For Cool” Graven
Presenters Christie “My Mom Thinks I’m Special” White

3 Why Social Media is Important
Get the Word out cheaper and faster Drive friends of friends to participate Build community of support Reach those your out to serve Find and engage influencers Become the thought leader Better tell your story

4 Get The Word Out Cheaper and Faster
Share, share, share Engage those who don’t engage Get The Word Out Cheaper and Faster

5 Drive friends of friends to participate
92% of people trust their friends recommendations vs the 40% who say they trust advertisement If a friend shares a Post or event, their friends see the Post or event and are exposed Comments, invitation accepts, likes, etc are all seen by those on their friends list Drive friends of friends to participate

6 Build community of support
Social media allows interaction with members providing the ability to respond to questions, comments, and complaints publicly and quickly Allows members to interact with each other Allows members unable to attend meetings the ability to provide input and ideas Build community of support

7 Reach those you are out to serve
More easily reach potential members Reaching potential members can be done for free and without added time and effort. Post what you are doing, encourage your members to share, and their membership eligible friends will see the Post Share, share, share Reach those you are out to serve

8 Engage influencers Share, share, share
The Post may expose themselves to someone passionate about veteran’s issues, or issues in the community, that did not know about them previously Your event or post may inspire them to donate or volunteer or spread the word for you Sharing your event or post, many times, can be more of a difference maker for the image of the Post than a donation to the cause as people see the different ways you positively impact your community Engage influencers

9 Allows you to demonstrate your understanding and expertise in VETERAN issues
The more followers your Post has, the more effective your expertise, opinion, and understanding of the issue will be Social media posts should not be controversial but should show your Post’s expertise in the events of the community. Be a trusted leader of information. You are not out to replace the news Become a leader

10 Social media allows you to dictate the public’s perception of you
Social media allows you to dictate the public’s perception of you. If you are not a bar, show them! Allows you to tell the history of the Post, without paying for ads, begging for news coverage, etc. Make a post or event and share, share, share! Allows your members to express their pride in your Post by sharing your Post’s events and posts Tell your story

11 How to create a facebook event
Step One: have a Post Facebook page Your Post should have at least one member of the Post on Facebook (can be Auxiliary or SAL) Choose Company, Organization or Institution then nonprofit organization Company name should be your Post name and number

12 How to create a facebook event
Step Two: after filling your page with photos and information create an event Select Events Select Events

13 How to create a facebook event
Step Three: create event Event name-”Post x super happy fundraiser for the kids” or something that will grab a reader’s attention. Don’t just say “Steak Fry” Location-here you put the location of the event. Once you begin typing, you Post address should show up. Click it and people will be able to automatically get directions Start and End times- When does the event start? When does the event end?

14 How to create a facebook event
Step Three continued….. Category-choose the category your event falls into Description-describe your event and add any relevant information such as 50/50’s, if attendees should bring or expect anything, etc Skip ticket URL unless you are charging and have a website that accepts payments Co-Hosts-you can add another individual with the ability to make edits to the event page Guest List-displaying the guest list allows possible attendees to see if anyone they know has committed or is thinking about attending the event. Publish-makes event active

15 Your Post’s Facebook page should be your Post’s name and number so that it is easily searchable (refrain from using Post titles ESPECIALLY if using the Facebook page as a personal page) Social media is not evil, once you learn to use it it will prove to be a valuable tool to speak to members, potential members, advertise your Post, remake the Post image, etc Make sure you tell those members of your Post who use Facebook to add your Post page and share as many events and posts that they can There may be a friend of a friend who is eligible and comes across a post or event and it inspires them to join Conclusion

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