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Pharmacology II Tutoring: Drugs of abuse & alcohol

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1 Pharmacology II Tutoring: Drugs of abuse & alcohol
Brandy Hollums

2 What Is addiction? A. Physical Dependence B. Psychological Dependence

3 Which is a factor that influences addiction?
A. Agent B. Host C. Environment D. All of the above D.

4 Which system is still developing in adolescents and will stop working in addicts?
A. Striatum B. Nucleus Accumbens C. Frontal Cortex D. Hippocampus C.

5 Which of the following is an example of acute tolerance?
A. JH who can naturally drink more than all of his buddies. B. MJ who likes to binge drink on the weekends. C. CK who drink 8 to 10 drink daily and has learned to walk a straight line. B

6 What is the component of THC that gets you high?
A. delta-8 THC B. cannabidiol C. cannabigerol D. delta-9 THC D

7 Which route of administration gives the longest high for marijuana?
A. Oral B. Smoke C. IV A

8 Which is not part of the early stages of the marijuana High?
A. Euphoria B. Depersonalization C. Relaxations D. Uncontrollable laughter C.

9 Which is an effect of chronic marijuana use?
A. Sharper imagery B. Bronchodilation C. Decreased prolactin levels D. Decreased REM sleep D.

10 What is the mOA for THc? A. g-protein coupled CB-1 and CB-2 receptors
B. g-protein coupled CB-1 receptors C. Ca channel receptors D. Na channel receptors

11 Which is not true anandamide?
A. Endogenous substance that activate CB-1 and CB-2 B. lipid neurotransmitter C. synthesized from arachidonic acid D. synthesized from aminoacids

12 Which region of the brain is responsible for motor function?
A. Cerebellum B. Basal ganglia C. Hippocampus D. Nucleus accumbens B

13 Which is the most potent metabolite of THC?
A. 8-hydroxy-delta-THC B. 8, 11-dihydroxy-delta-THC C. 11 nor-delta-THC-9 carboxylic acid D. 11-hydroxy-delta-THC D.

14 What are the approved uses for medical marijuana?
A. Antiemetic B. MS C. Seizures D. AIDS wasting A and D

15 Which inhalant is used primarily as a sexual enhancer?
A. Volatile solvents B. Aerosols C. Nitrites D. Nitrous oxide C.

16 Know the acute, heavy, and compulsive effects of inhalants.

17 What is the mOA of LSD? A. ligand-gated ion channel agonist
B. 5-HT2 partial agonist C. g-coupled CB-1/CB-2 receptors D. NMDA receptor antagonist B

18 How can you treat an acute bad trip from LSD?
A. Propranolol B. Diazepam C. Supportive care only D. more LSD

19 Which drug can cause color perception abnormalities?
A. Psilocybin B. Salvia divinorum C. Phencyclidine D. MDMA A.

20 Which drug can acts on kappa receptors?
A. Psilocybin B. Salvia divinorum C. Phencyclidine D. MDMA B.

21 Which drug is similar to ketamine and acts as an NMDA Antagonist?
A. Psilocybin B. Salvia divinorum C. Phencyclidine D. MDMA C.

22 JH overdosed on phencyclidine. What is an appropriate therapy?
A. Alkalize urine B. Dialysis C. Gastric Lavage D. Supportive care only C

23 Which drug decreases the number of serotonin transporters?

24 What Is popular OTC medicine teens abuse that is a dissociative anesthetic at high doses?
A. Dimenhydrinate B. Dextromethorphan C. Loperamide D. Pseudophedrine

25 alcohol T/F: Alcohol has medicinal uses.
T/F: Alcohol shouldn’t be used because it can harm you. T/F: Excessive alcohol isn’t harmful if you don’t drink and drive. T, F, F

26 Which of the following is false about ethanol?
A. Affects multiple organ systems B. CNS stimulant C. Effects are complex and poorly understood D. Causes fetal alcohol syndrome B

27 Where is the alcohol absorbed most rapidly?
A. large intestine B. small intestine C. stomach D. bladder Remember: alcohol crosses by PASSIVE DIFFUSION! B

28 What is the rate limiting step of ethanol oxidation?
A. alcohol dehydrogenase B. aldehyde dehydrogenase A

29 Which receptor does ethanol enhance that causes nausea and vomiting?
A. GABA B. BK channels C. NMDA D. 5-HT3

30 Which is not properly matched for chronic ethanol use?
A. pancreas: acute and chronic pancreatitis B. liver: fat accumulation C. gi tract: worsens ulcers D. libido: enhances D

31 Which blocks the opioid receptors on GABA neurons for treatment of alcoholism?
A. Disulfarim B. Naltrexone C. Naloxone D. Acamprosate B

32 Which blocks aldehyde dehydrogenase for treatment of alcoholism?
A. Disulfarim B. Naltrexone C. Naloxone D. Acamprosate A.


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