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Democracy JYOTI Assistant Professor Department of Political Science

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1 Democracy JYOTI Assistant Professor Department of Political Science
PGGC-11 Chandigarh

2 Democracy is the most popular and the most talked about form of the modern era.
Dicey, “Democracy is the form of government in which governing body is comparatively a large fraction of the entire nation.” Abraham Lincoln, “Democracy is a government of the people, for the people and by the people.”

3 Various Aspects of Democracy
Democratic Government Democratic State Democratic Society Democratic Economic Order

4 Kinds Direct or Pure Democracy Indirect or Representative Democracy
Communist or People’s Democracy Capitalist or Liberal Democracy

5 Main Features Sovereignty lies with the people
Belief in the rationality of man Representative government Universal adult franchise Government based on people’s consent people’s participation Rights and civil liberties Equality Limited and constitutional government Common good of the people

6 Rule of law Independent and impartial judiciary Open competition for political power Independent mass media Periodic elections Separation of powers Decentralization of power Accountability of executive Rule of majority Peaceful means Pluralist society

7 Merits It is based on the consent of people
It promotes the welfare of all It protects the rights and liberties of the people It is based on equality and fraternity It gives political education to the people It leads to development of personality It promotes sense of patriotism and loyality towards the state It ensures efficiency of the government It ensures stability and responsibility of the government

8 It promotes respect for law
It works for unity among the people There is less possibility of the revolutions It creates proper atmosphere for social, economic and political reform It is form of government by public criticism Democracy stands for peace.

9 Demerits It is cult of incompetence
It lays more emphasis in equality rather than quality It is very low in working This form of government is very expensive It is not a stable form of government It is weak in the time of war and emergency Corruption It is a government of rich people

10 It is not a responsible government
Indifference of voters Bad effect of political parties Politics become a profession It establishes tyranny of the majority Democracy is a myth

11 Conditions for the Success
Strong desire Educated and intelligent citizens Eternal vigilance Free and honest press Economic prosperity Good constitution Good leadership High moral character

12 Local Self-Government
Well organised party system Fundamental rights Independent judiciary Separation of power Peace and security Tolerance and cooperation

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