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Thesis presentation February-July 2014

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1 Thesis presentation February-July 2014
SDN-OpenFlow interface for OPS nodes enabling intra-Data Centre network virtualization Thesis presentation February-July 2014 Author: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Supervisors – Nicola Calabretta and Salvatore Spadaro Assistant Supervisors – Miao Wang and Fernando Agraz Alejandro Ferrer Delgado

2 DCN - Data Centre Networks
Requirements Flexibility - Scalability Programmability - Low-complexity Granularity - Automation Traditional data centre network architecture Ref: Figure 2.1 Traditional data centre network architecture (p11) Reference: Based on Lightness Architecture Design Deliverable D2.2 Figure 2.1 Traditional data centre network architecture (p11) Electrical Engineering - ECO

3 Network virtualization
Create virtual networks decoupled from underlying hardware Provide a logical abstraction of hardware/network resources This allows: Network devices only responsible for forwarding packets Easier deployment/management of services & resources Increased flexibility and sharing of resources Network virtualization consists of instantiating many distinct logical networks on top of a single, shared, physical network infrastructure so that, at the end, the abstraction of the network is decoupled from the underlying physical equipment. NV: creates logical, virtual networks decoupled from the underlying network hardware to ensure the network can better integrate with and support increasingly virtual environments Electrical Engineering - ECO

4 SDN – Highlights Control and forwarding functions are separated
Decouple Control functions from network devices. Multiple devices controlled by one entity This allows: Centralized network intelligence in Software Controllers Programmability through Open Interfaces to: High level Applications Physical or Virtual Network elements Abstraction of network state, elements & resources Electrical Engineering - ECO

5 OpenFlow Protocol Protocol for communicating the control plane
and the data plane switches of a SDN The basic transport unit: Flows Not (only) packets Not (only) circuits BOTH OpenFlow Switch specifications The first release with optical support: v1.4 Latest release: v1.3.4 The OpenFlow Standard is the first open standard communications interface defined between the control and forwarding layers of an SDN architecture. The OpenFlow Standard allows direct access to and manipulation of the forwarding plane of network devices such as switches, both physical and virtual A flow can be defined as any combination of L2,L3 and L4 packet header, as well as L1/L0 circuit flows. When we use the abstraction of a flow in a packet switched network, we effectively blur the distinction between packets and circuits and regard them both simply as flows in a flow switched network. Note: It’s possible to implement SDN with a protocol different to OpenFlow. In other words; OF means SDN, but SDN doesn’t necessarily imply OF Ref: OpenFlow switch specification v1.3.3 (P8) Sept 2013 Reference: OpenFlow switch specification v (P8) Sept 2013 Electrical Engineering - ECO

6 OPS-OCS hybrid DCN: EU Lightness Project
App Layer NorthBound Interface Control Layer SouthBound Interface Infrastructure Layer REF: Figure 2.3: Overall LIGHTNESS DCN architecture ( p20) Deliverable D2.2 Design document for the proposed network architecture Due date: 31/07/2013 Submission date: 13/09/2013 Reference: Based on Lightness Architecture Design Deliverable D2.2 Figure 2.3: Overall LIGHTNESS DCN architecture ( p20) Electrical Engineering - ECO

7 Objective of this Thesis
1 How to abstract the OPS? 2 How to programmatically control the OPS? 3 How to implement the OpenFlow communication? 4 How to convert OpenFlow messages into OPS instructions? Fig. 2: Control architecture (P2) Experimental Assessment of an SDN-based Control of OPS Switching Nodes for Intra-Data Center Interconnect F. Agraz(1), W. Miao(2), A. Ferrer(1),(2), G. Bernini(3), H.J.S. Dorren(2), N. Calabretta(2), N. Ciulli(3),J. Perelló(1), S. Peng(4), G. Zervas(4), D. Simeonidou(4), G. Junyent(1), S. Spadaro(1) (1)Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2)Eindhoven University of Technology (3)Nextworks,(4)University of Bristol Reference: Experimental Assessment of an SDN-based Control of OPS Switching Nodes for Intra-Data Center Interconnect Authors: S.Spadaro, F.Agraz, N.Calabretta, W.Miao, A.Ferrer et al. Electrical Engineering - ECO

8 Abstraction of the OPS: Information Model
Challenge 1 Abstraction of the OPS: Information Model Electrical Engineering - ECO

9 Challenge 1: OPS node Resources mapped: Number of Modules
Number of Input Ports Number of Wavelengths Number of OutPut Ports Switching Matrix Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

10 Challenge 1: FPGA Resources managed by the FPGA Purpose Look-Up Table
Flows assigned Counters Per Port Counters Per Flow Counters Purpose Perform forwarding decisions for the OPS according to them User FPGA PCI interface USB port Electrical Engineering - ECO

11 Challenge 1: Information Model
Every OPS has 1+ Modules Every Module has 1 LUT 1 InputPorts 1+ Wavelength 1+ OutputPorts The LUT has a set capacity Every Wavelength can be assigned - 0 to 4 flows Every flow has associated 2 counters: - # packets Rx - # packets ReTx Define which capabilities of the OPS need to be visible for the Control plane Define which capabilities of the OPS need to be visible for the Agent Decide how to abstract and organize them Define a method to store and manage it (XML file) Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

12 Control the OPS Programmatically
Challenge 2 Control the OPS Programmatically Electrical Engineering - ECO

13 Challenge 2: Cagent Software to programmatically interact with the FPGA written in C Using the FPGA libraries Connected through USB Uses the Information Model C Agent Information Model The Modules will be discussed in the following slides. The interfaces: TLS – (Transport Layer Security, over TCP) The actual OpenFlow Channel UDP socket – allows the communication between a program written in Java and another written in C without using JNI, JNA, JNAerator, BridJ,… - It’s not the FASTEST solution (performance-wise), but it’s the fastest, simplest and most adaptable to develop. USB – Allows the control of the FPGA through the use of the libraries and .dll provided by the board manufacturer Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

14 Implement the OpenFlow Channel
Challenge 3 Implement the OpenFlow Channel Electrical Engineering - ECO

15 OpenDaylight Controller
Challenge 3: JavaAgent OpenDaylight Controller OpenFlow Protocol 1.0* Software to communicate with the Controller through the OpenFlow Protocol Written in Java Define OpenFlow protocol extensions for Optical Packet Switching Controller: OpenDaylight Uses the Information Model Information Model Java Agent OF - Agent Note: We used the Base edition, but the Virtualization edition would fit more for a DCN Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

16 Interconnect the Cagent with the JavaAgent
Challenge 4 Interconnect the Cagent with the JavaAgent Electrical Engineering - ECO

17 Challenge 4: The Agent Communicate the C program with the Java program
Information Model Communicate the C program with the Java program [] JNI, JNA, BridJ,... [] UDP loopback socket Define an appropriate protocol for this interface This allows: Both programs united into a single Agent Full connectivity Controller-Agent-OPS ? The Modules will be discussed in the following slides. The interfaces: TLS – (Transport Layer Security, over TCP) The actual OpenFlow Channel UDP socket – allows the communication between a program written in Java and another written in C without using JNI, JNA, JNAerator, BridJ,… - It’s not the FASTEST solution (performance-wise), but it’s the fastest, simplest and most adaptable to develop. USB – Allows the control of the FPGA through the use of the libraries and .dll provided by the board manufacturer Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

18 OPS-Controller Interface
Information Model Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

19 Experimental Validation
Demo 1 – Control Validation Demo 2 – Use Case: Virtual Slices Demo 3 – Scalability Validation Electrical Engineering - ECO

20 DEMO 1: Control Validation
Information Model Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

21 DEMO 2: Use Case: Virtual Slices
Reference: Demonstration of Reconfigurable Virtual Data Centre Networks Enabled by OPS with QoS Guarantees Authors: W.Miao, N.Calabretta, S.Spadaro, F.Agraz, A.Ferrer et al. Electrical Engineering - ECO

22 DEMO 3: Scalability Validation
OpenDaylight Controller OpenFlow Protocol 1.0* Information Model Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent USB v1.1 USB v1.1 USB v1.1 USB v1.1 FPGAn OPS1 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS2 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS3 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS4 FPGA1 Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

23 DEMO 3: Scalability Validation
OpenDaylight Controller OpenFlow Protocol 1.0* Information Model Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent Java Agent OF - Agent Java Agent OF - Agent Java Agent OF - Agent USB v1.1 OPS1 FPGA1 Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

24 Conclusion Conclusion:
Created an agent that interfaces the Control Plane with an OPS node through the OpenFlow Protocol for its use in Data Centre Networks Information Model Publications W. Miao et al “Demonstration of Reconfigurable Virtual Data Centre Networks Enabled by OPS with QoS Guarantees” ECOC 2014 S. Spadaro et al. “Experimental Assessment of an SDN-based Control of OPS Switching Nodes for Intra-Data Centre Interconnect” Awards Best Booth Award – Lightness Project booth EuCNC 2014 Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

25 Back-Up Slides Back-up Slides Back-up slides just in case
Electrical Engineering - ECO

26 OPS-OCS hybrid DCN: EU Lightness Project
App Layer NorthBound Interface Control Layer SouthBound Interface Infrastructure Layer REF: Figure 2.3: Overall LIGHTNESS DCN architecture ( p20) Deliverable D2.2 Design document for the proposed network architecture Due date: 31/07/2013 Submission date: 13/09/2013 Reference: Based on Lightness Architecture Design Deliverable D2.2 Figure 2.3: Overall LIGHTNESS DCN architecture ( p20) Electrical Engineering - ECO

27 ODL Controller: Internal Blocks
Reference: Hydrogen Base Edition Electrical Engineering - ECO

28 OPS-Controller Interface: OPS node 6x9
Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

29 EXTRA: Extended Architecture [x]
OpenDaylight Controller OpenFlow Protocol 1.0* Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent An Agent controls several different OPS nodes at once. [x] ChokePoints (SEVERAL) [X] The USB link is slow and transforms the Cagent into a terrible chokepoint. (The Cagent can only read/write in/from 1 FPGA at a time) [X] Each Ofswitch should have its own Ofchannel to the controller USB v1.1 FPGAn OPS1 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS2 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS3 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS4 FPGA1 Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

30 EXTRA: Extended Architecture [x]
OpenDaylight Controller OpenFlow Protocol 1.0* An Agent controls several different OPS nodes at once. Java Agent C Agent Sockets UDP [X] The USB link is slow and transforms the Cagent into a terrible chokepoint. (The Cagent can only read/write in/from 1 FPGA at a time) OF - Agent USB v1.1 FPGAn OPS1 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS2 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS3 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS4 FPGA1 Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

31 EXTRA: Extended Architecture [x]
OpenDaylight Controller OpenFlow Protocol 1.0* An Agent controls several different OPS nodes at once. Java Agent Sockets UDP C Agent OF - Agent [X] Each Ofswitch should have its own Ofchannel to the controller USB v1.1 USB v1.1 USB v1.1 USB v1.1 FPGAn OPS1 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS2 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS3 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS4 FPGA1 Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

32 EXTRA: Extended Architecture []
OpenDaylight Controller OpenFlow Protocol 1.0* Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent Socket UDP Java Agent C Agent OF - Agent This is how it should be done USB v1.1 USB v1.1 USB v1.1 USB v1.1 FPGAn OPS1 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS2 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS3 FPGA1 FPGAn OPS4 FPGA1 Reference: Alejandro Ferrer Delgado Electrical Engineering - ECO

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