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COMENIUS Training For Life

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1 COMENIUS Training For Life 2013-2015
Rezekne State gymnasium, Rezekne, Latvia

2 Latvia -officially the Republic of Latvia is a country of a Baltic region . It is bordered by:  Estonia, Russia, Lithuania and Belarus

3 Latvia with 2,070,371 inhabitants  and a territory of 64,589 km2 

4 Latvia Official language is Latvian. National Coat of Arms

5 Riga The capital of Latvia is Riga.

6 Freedom Monument in Riga
It is considered an important symbol of the freedom, independence, and sovereignty of Latvia.



9 Latvia lies in Northern Europe, on the eastern shore of the Baltic sea.

10 Thre are four regions in Latvia:

11 Rezekne is a centre of Latgale. It is called "The heart of Latgale".

12 The same as Rome, Rezekne lies on seven hills and through the city flows River Rezekne

13 Castle ruins

14 Rezekne is famous for its cultural traditions - pottery

15 Rezekne is an attractive city to see

16 Rezekne State gymnasium

17 Short insight into gymnasium’s history
Rezekne State gymnasium was founded in 1907 as a trade school. The school existed till 1940. Rezekne gymnasium renewed its work on 1st July 1998. Rezekne gymnasium gained its official name as ‘’State gymnasium’’ in 2004. Now the official name of the school – REZEKNE STATE GYMNASIUM

18 There are: 25 teachers; about 200 students at the age of 16-19
(secondary school students – Form 10 – 12).


20 Rezekne State gymnasium offers 6 study programmes, such as:
General educational programme; Mathematical, computer and technical programme; Mathematical, social science and technical programme; Humanitarian study programme; General minority study programme; Professional study programme (in music).

21 In September students take part in Sports Day, participating in different kinds of activities

22 There are a lot of opportunities for our students how to spend their time after lessons: -Folk dance group ‘’Vadži’’; -School choir; -Vocal-instrumental group; -Environmental club; -Sports trainings.

23 Thank you for attention!

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