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Transitional Justice in Colombia

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1 Transitional Justice in Colombia
History Challenges Peace building

2 Defining Transitional Justice
“Transitional justice has been characterized as the study of the choices made and the quality of justice rendered when states are replacing authoritarian regimes by democratic state institutions. In almost all of these regimes gross violations of human rights took place.” (Siegel, 1998)

3 Transitional Justice Principles
Bringing victims and offenders together Focusing on the harm that has been caused by crime Holding perpetrators responsible for their acts Meeting the needs for victims’ redress Promoting the reintegration of both victims and perpetrators Preventing future harm by building on the strengths of the community and government

4 Previous experiences South Africa peace settlement with amnesties subject to Truth & Reconciliation commissions. Northern Ireland -Good Friday agreement – release of “political” prisoners. No further prosecutions? The case of Germany historical: post-WWII transitional justice 50 years of Vergangenheitsbewältigung. Colombia, a transitional justice system but without the transition to peace yet.

5 Post-Communist cases Poland Latvia/Estonia Russia Romania


7 Rights of victims - reparation
(1) The Compensation Fund i.e. assets and resources recovered from armed group plus government budget and private donations. (2) The National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation (Gov. members + Advocate General + H.R. Ombudsman + victims associations).

8 Rights of victims (3) Measures include restitution, compensation, rehabilitation, just satisfaction, symbolic remedies e.g. apology, public acceptance of responsibility + guarantees of non-repetition + collective measures e.g. the reconstruction of displaced communities. (4) Relatives showing damage (psychological, physical or financial) count as victims with rights to reparation, truth and justice.

9 Rights of victims - Truth
right to know truth about atrocities, circumstances and motives for them right to collective memory through the preservation of archives right of family to know the whereabouts of the victim.

10 Right of family to know the whereabouts of the victim

11 Rights of victims in Justice & Peace
Access to justice, to be heard, to bring evidence, & receive prompt reparation To indicate property not handed over by D. To have adequate safety guarantees To bring proof of damage Rights to legal assistance, humane treatment, translators etc

12 Right to collective memory through the preservation of archives

13 Confession hearings First hearing – duty to give true & full confession on links with armed group, structure and activities. Victims informed Second hearing – victims can question D over each matter confessed – bring contrary proof etc.

14 Colombia, an special case

15 Credits
Peter Burbidge, Westminster University Nordic-Baltic-Russian Network Transition Studie XI International Symposium on Victimology Stellenbosch, final presentation.

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