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Solve Absolute Value Equations

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1 Solve Absolute Value Equations
Section 6.5

2 Objectives: Solve absolute value equations

3 Key Vocabulary: Absolute value equation Absolute deviation

4 Definition: Absolute value equation
The absolute value of a number a, written |a|, is the distance between a and 0 on a number line. An absolute value equation, such as |x|=4, is an equation that contains an absolute value expression.

5 Example 1: Solve.

6 #1: Solve. .

7 Solving Absolute Value Equations

8 Example 2: Solve.

9 Example 3: Solve.

10 #2: Solve the equation.

11 #3: Solve the equation.

12 #4: Solve the equation.

13 Example 4: Solve, if possible.

14 Definition: Absolute deviation
The absolute deviation of a number x from a given value is the absolute value of the difference of x and the given value: absolute deviation = |x – given value|

15 Example 5: Before the start of a professional basketball game, a basketball game must be inflated to an air pressure of 8 pounds per square inch (psi) wit an absolute error of 0.5 psi. (Absolute error is the absolute deviation of a measured value from an accepted value.) Find the minimum and maximum acceptable air pressures for the basketball.

16 #5: Solve the equation, if possible.

17 #6: Solve the equation, if possible.

18 #7: Complete. The absolute deviation of x from 7.6 is What are the values of x that satisfy this requirement?

19 Homework Assignment Section 6.5 Worksheet

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