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Goods and Services Wants and Needs

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Presentation on theme: "Goods and Services Wants and Needs"— Presentation transcript:

1 Goods and Services Wants and Needs
By Mrs. Nungesser

2 Goods Services

3 Wants Needs

4 Is a school a good or a service?

5 Yes, A school is a service!

6 Sorry. A school is not a good.

7 Is a bottle of glue a good or a service?

8 No, glue is not a service.

9 Yes! A bottle of glue is a good!

10 Is a mailman a good or a service?

11 Yes! A mailman is a service!

12 No! A mailman is not a good!

13 Is milk a good or a service?

14 Good For You! Milk is a good!

15 Sorry, milk is not a service.

16 Is food a want or a need? A want A need

17 Great! Food is a need!

18 Oops, food is not a want.

19 Is air a need or a want? A need A want

20 Good for you! Air is a need!

21 Oh no, Air is not a want.

22 Is a bike a need or a want? A want A need

23 Very Good! A bike is a want!

24 Oops, a bike is not a need.

25 Can choices we make affect our way of life?

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