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Published byBernard Shepherd Modified over 6 years ago
أصم أعقد Deaf and had an impediment in his speech
معك لا اريد شيئاً على الأرض there is none upon earth that I desire besides You أصم أعقد Deaf and had an impediment in his speech
ثم خرج ايضا من تخوم صور و صيدا وجاء الى بحر الجليل في وسط حدود المدن العشر. وجاءوا اليه باصم اعقد و طلبوا اليه ان يضع يده عليه. فاخذه من بين الجمع على ناحية ووضع اصابعه في اذنيه وتفل ولمس لسانه. ورفع نظره نحو السماء و ان و قال له افثا اي انفتح. Again, departing from the region of Tyre and Sidon, He came through the midst of the region of Decapolis to the Sea of Galilee. Then they brought to Him one who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech, and they begged Him to put His hand on him. And He took him aside from the multitude, and put His fingers in his ears, and He spat and touched his tongue. Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened“.
كثيراً ما نشكو مش عارف أسمع صوت ربنا؟؟ We often complain
و للوقت انفتحت اذناه و انحل رباط لسانه و تكلم مستقيما. فاوصاهم ان لا يقولوا لاحد و لكن على قدر ما اوصاهم كانوا ينادون اكثر كثيرا. و بهتوا الى الغاية قائلين انه عمل كل شيء حسنا جعل الصم يسمعون و الخرس يتكلمون (مر 7 : 31 – 37) Immediately his ears were opened, and the impediment of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke plainly. Then He commanded them that they should tell no one; but the more He commanded them, the more widely they proclaimed it. And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, "He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak”(Mar7:31-37) كثيراً ما نشكو مش عارف أسمع صوت ربنا؟؟ We often complain about not being able to listen to God’s voice?? أو مش عارف أتكلم عن ربنا؟؟ Or not being able to talk about God??
طلبوا اليه أن يضع يده عليه They begged Him to put His hand on him
و جاءوا اليه باصم اعقد و طلبوا اليه ان يضع يده عليه. (مر 7 : 32) Then they brought to Him one who was deaf and had an impediment in his speech, and they begged Him to put His hand on him. (Mar 7 : 32) إلحاح الآباء والمرشدين The insistence of the Fathers and the spiritual guides شفاعة القديسين The Saints’ Intercession صلاة من حولك من المؤمنين The prayers of the ones surrounding you from the believers
أصم أعقد؟!! Deaf and had an impediment in his speech
منفصل عن الله ... لا يسمعه ولا يكلمه ولا يتكلم عنه Separated from God … does not hear Him, nor talk to Him, nor talk about Him, يرى ولا يفهم See or understand يسمع صوت داخله فقط Listens only to the voice inside him
أخذه على ناحية He took him aside
فاخذه من بين الجمع على ناحية و وضع اصابعه في اذنيه و تفل و لمس لسانه. (مر 7 : 33) And He took him aside from the multitude, and put His fingers in his ears, and He spat and touched his tongue. (Mar 7 : 33) من بين الجموع ... البعد عن الناس والخلوة Away from the multitude … getting away from people and taking a quiet time وضع أصابعه ... لمسة حب He put His fingers … a loving touch وتفل ... إعادة خلق He spat … a re-creating
العلاقة الشخصية؟!! The personal relationship?!!
هل تُكَلم الله عن نفسك والناس والظروف Do you speak to God about yourself, the people, and the circumstances أم تُكَلم نفسك عن الله والناس والظروف Or do you talk to yourself about God, the people, and the circumstances أم تُكَلم الناس عن نفسك والله والظروف Or do you talk to the people about yourself, God, and the circumstances هل تشتهي رؤية الناس أم رؤية الله في الناس Do you desire to see the people or to see God in the people
رفع نظره نحو السماء Looking up to heaven
و رفع نظره نحو السماء و ان و قال له افثا اي انفتح. (مر 7 : 34) Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened” (Mar 7 : 34) الصلاة الدائمة The Continuous prayer الإتكال على السماء Leaning on Heaven الذي بقى منك عيناك ...؟! What is left of you, is your eyes …?!
وأنَ He sighed و رفع نظره نحو السماء و ان و قال له افثا اي انفتح. (مر 7 : 34) Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened” (Mar 7 : 34) أنين الجوع والإحتياج The moaning of hunger and need أنين التوبة والخجل The moaning of repentance and shyness أنين البشر من حولك The moaning of the humans around you
افثا ... إنفتح "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened”
و رفع نظره نحو السماء و ان و قال له افثا اي انفتح. و للوقت انفتحت اذناه و انحل رباط لسانه و تكلم مستقيما (مر 7 : ) Then, looking up to heaven, He sighed, and said to him, "Ephphatha," that is, "Be opened”. Immediately his ears were opened, and the impediment of his tongue was loosed, and he spoke plainly. (Mar 7 : ) أمر الهي ... النعمة A Godly order … the Grace ماذا تشعر بعد فترة من إنغلاق اذنيك؟؟ What do you feel after a period of your ears’ closure?? تكلم مستقيماً He spoke plainly
أوصاهم ... أن لا يقولوا لأحد
He commanded them that they should tell no one فاوصاهم ان لا يقولوا لاحد و لكن على قدر ما اوصاهم كانوا ينادون اكثر كثيرا. (مر 7 : 36) Then He commanded them that they should tell no one; but the more He commanded them, the more widely they proclaimed it. (Mar 7 : 36) فاوصاهم كثيرا ان لا يعلم احد بذلك و قال ان تعطى لتاكل (مر 5 : 43) But He commanded them strictly that no one should know it, and said that something should be given her to eat (Mar5:43) لماذا يتكلمون عن المعجزة؟؟ Why did they talk about the miracle?? هل كٌتر الكلام يُعَطل الأذن؟!! Would too much talking hinder the ears from listening?!!
عمل كل شىء حسناً He has done all things well
و بهتوا الى الغاية قائلين انه عمل كل شيء حسنا جعل الصم يسمعون و الخرس يتكلمون (مر 7 : 37) And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, "He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak". (Mar 7 : 37) التسبيح هو المطلوب Praising is the required action لا ترى ولا تسمع ولا تتكلم فارغاً You do not see nor listen, nor talk nonsense ترى وتسمع وتتكلم مستقيماً You see, listen, and talk plainly
تداريب Exercises ماذا تريدني ... أن أسمع اليوم!
What do You want me … to listen to today! ماذا تريدني ... أن أتكلم اليوم! What do You want me … to talk about today! متى تريدني ... أن أصمت اليوم! When do You want me … to keep quiet today! ماذا تريد يارب أن أفعل؟! Lord, what do You want me to do?!
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