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Population Change in SE Michigan

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1 Population Change in SE Michigan
Teacher led activity

2 Calculate the percent of change for each division using the worksheet provided
Accurately record the percentage into chart. Choose five colors to use for your map. One for each of the following More than 10% increase 5 to 10% increase 0 to 5% increase 0 to 5% decrease More than 5% decrease Color the percent of growth box the appropriate color Determine whether or not the largest urban center has grown or decreased in population If is has grown circle the recent population If it has decreased circle the oldest population. Hint: Circle the biggest number! Directions

3 Next Steps On the map of Write a title
Be specific and be sure to include dates Create a key that shows Percent of growth categories and colors Symbols for Urban centers growth or decrease Color and label each division of the map accurately (include the percentage of growth) Find and label each city accurately (use correct symbol) Next Steps

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