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Project Management.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Management

2 Project Management DILBERT’S BOSS

3 A Balancing Act Deliverables Cost Quality

4 Learning How ME 440/441 MBA Industrial training programs

5 Planning Technical Time Resources Personnel Equipment and Facilities

6 Benefits of Planning Framework for communication Allocate resources
Clients and coworkers Allocate resources Personnel, equipment and facilities, budget Benchmark to measure progress

7 Planning - Fundamentals
Establish Performance Standards at the BEGINNING Use Decision Trees/Matrices, QFD, Taguchi Methods Assure Performance Standards as Project Progresses Verify Final Performance Against Standards NO SUPRISES!

8 Time Planning Identify TASKS Estimate DURATION of Tasks
Establish PRECEDENCE of Tasks Record MILESTONES (Performance and Dated) Plan Start and Finish DATES for Tasks

9 Models Gantt Charts - Bar Charts CPM/PERT - Network
Control Charts - Planned versus Actual

10 Example Gantt Chart

11 Gantt Chart Tabulate Project Tasks
Title and ID Number for Each Task Estimate Duration of Each Task Estimate Resource Requirements for Each Task May Need Dummy Tasks for Critical Resources Identify Prerequisite Tasks for Each Task Layout Bar Chart with One Bar per Task based on Time Add Dated Milestones

12 Example Gantt Chart

13 Gantt Chart - Pros and Cons
Strengths See Status of Each Task at Any Point in Time See Overlapping and Parallel Tasks Weaknesses Unable to Tell if the Entire Project is on Time for Highly Dependent Projects Difficult to Show Critical Path

14 CPM/PERT Critical Path Method Program Evaluation and Review Technique

15 Example PERT Chart

16 CPM/PERT Tabulate Project Tasks
Title and ID Number for Each Task Estimate Duration for Each Task D=(O+4M+P)/6 O = Optimistic, M = Most Likely, P = Pessimistic Estimate Resource Requirements for Each Task May Need Dummy Tasks for Critical Resources Identify Prerequisite Tasks for Each Task Layout Flowchart of Tasks Based on Dependencies NOT Time Indicate Performance Milestones on Flowchart

17 CPM/PERT - continued Calculate Earliest Completion Time and Latest Completion Time Beginning at start of project, ECT for task = ECT for preceding node + duration Beginning at end of project, LCT for task = LCT for following node - duration Calculate Slack Time for Each Task Slack for Task= ECT - LCT Determine Critical Path Longest Time Path Zero Slack

18 Example PERT Chart

19 CPM/PERT – Pros and Cons
Strengths Shows Task Dependencies Predicts Critical Path Identifies Slack Time for Resources Weaknesses Assumes Subsequent Task Starts Immediately After Prerequisite Concludes Difficult to Visualize Timing

20 Control Charts Quality Schedule Budget Statistical Process Control
Gantt, Milestone, PERT Budget Commitment Performance Cash Flow

21 Budget Control Chart

22 Resource Planning LINK TO TIME PLANNING Personnel In-House
Vendors and Subcontractors Circle-dot chart

23 Circle-dot Chart

24 Resource Planning - continued
Equipment and Facilities May Need to Add Dummy Tasks for Critical Resources Downtime for Expected Maintenance or Failure Budget Often Not Under Direct Control of Project Team Contingency Funds Variable Value of Money Inflation International Currency

25 Project Management is …

26 … a Balancing Act

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